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Now it was near sunset, and once more the Giant's daughter felt her father's breath burning her back. So, for the third time, her husband put his hand into the filly's ear, and took out a bladder of water, and he threw it behind him, and there was a fresh-water loch, twenty miles long and twenty miles broad; and the Giant came on so fast that he ran into the middle of the loch and was drowned.

Jerry kicked the spurs into his good ugly little horse, and making him jump down into the trench, squeezed along it after the hounds. But the delay of waiting for them had got the filly's temper up. When I faced her at the trench she reared, and whirled round, and pranced backwards in, considering the circumstances, a highly discomposing way.

As she caught the latter's slowed pace, as her wicked nose drew alongside of the other's withers, Garrison shot out a hand, clamped an iron clutch on the spume-smeared bit, swung the gelding across the filly's right of way; then, with his right hand, choked the fight from her widespread nostrils.

"Upon my conscience, I've strong notions myself o' the same thing," replied Peter. "An' I'll back you in that, as well as in every thing else. Never fear, if we pull together, but we'll bring up the lost time. Faith, we will! Sowl, if you set about it, let me see them that 'ud prevint you goin' to heaven!" "Did Paddy Donovan get the bay filly's foot aised, Pether?"

For a second the Ramblin' Kid's eyes narrowed, then he replied coldly to the last half of Dorsey's sentence: "Well, th' filly's been runnin' in that neighborhood an'" with a laugh that had in it just the hint of a sneer "she's pretty fair good enough, I figure, to beat hell out of old Thunderbolt!" "Are you backing that with money?" Dorsey and Flip spoke together.

"'If they do, says she, 'they'll put us to death on the spot; but we must try somehow to stop them another day, if we can; search the filly's right ear again, and let me know what you find in it. "Jack pulled out a little three-cornered pebble, telling her that it was all he got; 'well, says she, 'throw it over your left shoulder like the stick.

"Well, that's true indeed, your ladyship; but, after all I declare a man couldn't hardly live without he'd tell a lie sometimes!" Fanny Fitz stooped, rather hurriedly, and entered upon a renewed examination of the filly's legs.

When the silky hair fell back in place the little message was completely concealed. Peggy clasped her arms about the filly's neck, kissed the soft muzzle and said: "Good-bye, dear. I'll never forget you and I wonder if I shall ever hear of you or see you again?" Her eyes were full of tears as she left the stable. Two hours later Columbine was led from her happy home.

Poor wold Jinny! He wur her last colt, and you did al'ays use to say you'd keep en for her sake. Ah, 'tis twenty year since I run out and found en aside of her in the paddock walkin' about as clever as you please, and not above two hours old. Not a white hair on en d'ye mind? and such big, strong legs! I was all for a-callin' en Beauty, but you said Beauty was a filly's name.

But our Jenny came to the stable with a piece of pork-rind, and a bandage she'd made out of her little red-flannel petticoat, and she wanted Master Fred to put it on my neck; for, says she: 'That's what ma put on me when I had the sore throat, the blessed child! "Well, we all pulled through except Filly's colt.