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A look of strange exultation crept over the giant's heavy features as his fingers clutched the golden offering. It almost drew a cry of warning from Philip. He saw the girl smiling in the face of a deadly peril a danger of which she was apparently unconscious. Her hair still fell loose about her in a thick and shimmering glory.

The prophecy was indeed a proof that the Prince could read the future, but the sarcasm of the President, that the remark had been made in a tone of exultation, was belied by every action of the prophet's life. The fiat went forth. In the market-place of every town and village of the Netherlands, the inquisition was again formally proclaimed.

"I would trust no one else, Cesarino," she said, rising from her chair. "But be cautious; bind me to nothing until we meet again. I must hear all that passes between you and the count, then judge for myself." "I will obey you in all things, noble lady," replied Trenta, submissively. How he dreaded betraying his secret exultation!

It was Guatemoc himself who told me of this sacrilege, but not with any exultation, for I had taught him something of our faith, and though he was too sturdy a heathen to change his creed, in secret he believed that the God of the Christians was a true and mighty God.

No doubt for the Hôtel de France, just opposite." There she was indeed with all her belongings. I quickened my pace and entered the hotel almost simultaneously with her. Ranging up alongside I said, not without exultation: "Geneva was not so much to your taste, then? You have left rather abruptly."

I die in pace wid all the world, save an' except the Findramore people, whom, may the maledictionary execration of a dying man follow into eternal infinity! My manuscription of conic sections " Here an extraordinary buz commenced among the crowd, which rose gradually into a shout of wild, astounding exultation.

Chauvelin, overcome with the intensity of his exultation and the agony of the suspense which he had endured, sat, vaguely dreaming, hardly conscious, but wholly happy and content. Fearless, too, for his triumph was complete, and he cared not now if he lived or died. He had lived long enough to see the complete annihilation and dishonour of his enemy.

He delivered these observations with a body so erect, and with a countenance so full of exultation, that one would have supposed that he had already conquered. He then drew up his troops, posting the hastati in front, the principes behind them, and closing his rear line with the triarii.

In April 1834, the Reform picture was exhibited, but the public was not interested, and Haydon lost a considerable sum over the exhibition. The price of the commission had long since gone to quiet the clamours of his creditors. On May 12 he writes: 'It is really lamentable to see the effect of success and failure on people of fashion. Last year, all was hope, exultation, and promise with me.

This command of face is somewhat difficult, though not so hard, I should think, as to restrain the contrary sympathy, I mean of weeping with those who weep. Joy, when sudden and violent, expresses itself by clapping of hands, and exultation, or leaping. The eyes are opened wide; perhaps filled with tears; often raised to heaven, especially by devout persons.