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On a round of the mountains rising from Osteno, South eastward of Lugano, the Esquart party rose from the natural grotto and headed their carriages up and down the defiles, halting for a night at Rovio, a little village below the Generoso, lively with waterfalls and watercourses; and they fell so in love with the place, that after roaming along the flowery borderways by moonlight, they resolved to rest there two or three days and try some easy ascents.

The two gentlemen had struck up a House of Commons acquaintanceship, and finding themselves bound for the same destination, had grown friendly. Redworth's arrival had been pleasantly expected. She remarked on Dacier's presence to Emma, without sketch or note of him as other than much esteemed by Lord and Lady Esquart.

On a round of the mountains rising from Osteno, South eastward of Lugano, the Esquart party rose from the natural grotto and headed their carriages up and down the defiles, halting for a night at Rovio, a little village below the Generoso, lively with waterfalls and watercourses; and they fell so in love with the place, that after roaming along the flowery borderways by moonlight, they resolved to rest there two or three days and try some easy ascents.

He was with her friends, who liked her the more they knew her, and he was compelled to lean to their view of the perplexing woman. 'She is a riddle to the world, Lady Esquart said, 'but I know that she is good. It is the best of signs when women take to her and are proud to be her friend. My lord echoed his wife.

She coloured to a deeper red than the rose-conjuring wind had whipped in her cheeks. Her quick intuition of the reason of his coming barred a mental evasion, and she had no thought of asking either him or herself what special urgency had brought him. 'I have been here four days. 'Lady Esquart spoke of the place. 'Lady Esquart should not have betrayed me.

'They know nothing of us whatever! Lady Pennon harped on her dictum. 'They put us in a case and profoundly study the captive creature, said Diana: 'but would any man understand this . . . ? She dropped her voice and drew in the heads of Lady Pennon, Lady Singleby, Lady Esquart and Miss Courtney: 'Real woman's nature speaks. A maid of mine had a "follower."

'You left Lady Esquart well? 'Lady Esquart... I think was well. I had to see you. I thought you would be with her in Berkshire. She told me of a little sea-side place close to Caen. 'You had to see me? 'I miss you now if it's a day! 'I heard a story in London... 'In London there are many stories. I heard one. Is there a foundation for it? 'No. He breathed relieved.

'I am sure, I read what they write of women! And their heroines! Lady Esquart acquiesced: 'We are utter fools or horrid knaves. 'Nature's original hieroglyphs which have that appearance to the peruser, Westlake assented. 'And when they would decipher us, and they hit on one of our "arts," the literary pirouette they perform is memorable. Diana looked invitingly at Dacier.

He was with her friends, who liked her the more they knew her, and he was compelled to lean to their view of the perplexing woman. 'She is a riddle to the world, Lady Esquart said, 'but I know that she is good. It is the best of signs when women take to her and are proud to be her friend. My lord echoed his wife.

'I fear it is good-bye for me, Dacier said to her, as he was about to step into the carriage with the Esquarts. 'If you have not better news of your uncle, it must be, she replied, and gave him her hand promptly and formally, hardly diverting her eyes from Lady Esquart to grace the temporary gift with a look.