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Everything goes by contraries with me; so, having made up my mind to be disappointed, of course I wasn't; for, presently, in walked Dr. H., and no sooner had he heard my errand, and glanced at my credentials, than he said, with the most engaging readiness: "I will give you the order, with pleasure, madam."

They sat with their leather coats buttoned to the throat, and coloured violently when urged to remove them. "But what are you doing here?" said one of the officers. "What brings you so far from P " They said they had had an errand, and went on drinking tea. "What sort of an errand?" a young lieutenant demanded. They exchanged glances. "Shopping," they said, and took more tea.

"I owe it to you, Marion," he said "all to you." This was the tableau that was presented through the open door to Miss Helen Cabot, hurrying on her errand of restitution and goodwill, and with Philip's ring and watch clasped in her hand. They had not heard her, nor did they see her at the door, so she drew back quickly and ran along the passage and down the stairs into the street.

My errand in Sanford was to see something of the river in its narrower and better part; and having done that, I did not regret what otherwise might have seemed a profitless week. First, however, I walked about the city. Here, as already at St. Augustine, and afterward at Tallahassee, I found the mocking-birds in free song. They are birds of the town.

He looked up at his mother with such honest eyes that in spite of herself her lips twitched and then she smiled outright. "I should have known better than to send such a great overgrown pup of a boy as you on such an errand," she said. "Bello would have done it better. Next time I shall send him. "And now, since you are all awake, I will tell you the great news that Father told me last night.

He had racked Themar with insistent questions, he had quarreled again and again with the Baron since that night by the pool, until now he had at his finger-ends, the ways and days of Philip Poynter since the day the Baron had dispatched his young secretary upon the ill-fated errand to Diane.

All unconscious of their relationship, the likeness between them was at this moment so striking as to be ludicrous. "I have come on a strange errand, Lady Bearwarden," said Nina, hardening her heart for the impending effort "I have come to tell a truth and to put a question. I suppose, even now, you have some regard for your husband?" Lady Bearwarden started.

There is given chiefly John's simple vivid tremendous picture of a Person, coming with swift long stride and outreached hands. Now we turn to the second part of the book. It runs from the nineteenth verse of the opening chapter on through to the end of chapter twelve. It is devoted to the great winsome wooing of this great human Person. Here we see Him on His wooing errand. He woos individual men.

"I have been upon a fool's errand," said he. "I doubt we have done better than you, then," said I; "and, at least, here is a great deal of matter that you must judge of. Do you see that?" I went on, pointing to the ship. "That is the Seahorse, Captain Palliser." "I should ken her, too," says Alan. "I had fyke enough with her when she was stationed in the Forth.

It was a cheerless look out, and again and again I cursed my folly for coming on such a fool's errand as I sat, chin in hand, staring at a landscape that grew more and more depressing every mile.