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"Whence, and who have we here?" said one of them, a handsome young man, apparently not above twenty two, as I judged, with small tiny black, jet black, mustaches, and a noble countenance; fine dark eyes, and curls dark and clustering. The officer of my escort answered, "A young Englishman, enseigne de vaisseau."

Il termine ses avis directifs par avertir les croisés de se mettre en garde contre la prefidie des Grecs, ainsi que contre les Syriens, les Hassassins et autres habitans de l'Asie. Il leur détaille une partie des piéges qu'on leur tendra, et leur enseigne

Palgrave dit que Woolner fait un choix serieux dans ses amities. Sa femme est jolie, delicate, gracieuse, intelligente; elle me fait l'effet d'un lys. "J'ai recu la visite de Haden hier, il m'a plus enseigne relativement a l'eau-forte en une demi-heure de conversation que dix ans de pratique ne l'auraient fait. Voici mes engagements: "Samedi, diner chez Leslie. Dimanche, tantot chez Lewes.

Shortly after this bloody episode in our national history I joined the Didon frigate, Captain de Parseval, as enseigne de vaisseau. My new commanding officer, who had joined the navy at a very early age, had served as a midshipman on board Villeneuve's vessel, the Bucentaure, at Trafalgar.

Mais non: dans ce dessein je l'aurais devancée; L'amour m'en eût d'abord inspiré la pensée; C'est moi, prince, c'est moi dont l'utile secours Vous eût du labyrinthe enseigné les détours. Que de soins m'eût coûtés cette tête charmante! It is difficult to 'place' Racine among the poets. He has affinities with many; but likenesses to few.

Their great patrons have disappeared, and, in lieu of a constant succession of customers, the few decrotteurs who remain at their old-established station, are idle half the day for want of employment. These Savoyards generally practise more than one trade, as is indicated by the enseigne which is affixed, on a short pole, above their tool-box.

"Very well, Monsieur Enseigne de bateau," he returned, glowering at me savagely, "if you are determined to inflict upon me the indignity of confinement, instead of accepting my proffered parole, I cannot help it. But possibly we may meet again under reversed conditions, and should we do so you will find that my memory for injuries is a good one."