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But I guess he will outgrow it," she added hopefully. Bob Henderson, who is to be the hero of our Story, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Henderson. They lived in Moreville, a thriving New England town, and Bob's father was employed in a large woolen mill in the place. Bob attended the local school, and he was a sort of leader among a certain class of boys.

But it only went up over the out-houses, dodged backwards and forwards two or three times, and finally flopped down with us into a swamp." "And that balloon was the A. C.?" suggested Mr. Johnson. "And, Enos, don't send up your balloon until the proper time. Don't anticipate the programme, or the performance will be spoiled."

The long "arm" of land now stretched out as if to welcome the returning voyagers, and the sloop ran in beside the little pier just as Captain Enos and Jimmie Starkweather came down the beach. "Been watching your craft since sunup," declared Uncle Enos. "What's kept you in Boston so long, Starkweather? We began to worry about you, John, and feared some ill news of our little maid."

And I had faith, and I did cry unto God that he would preserve the records; and he covenanted with me that he would bring them forth unto the Lamanites in his own due time. And I, Enos, knew it would be according to the covenant which he had made; wherefore my soul did rest.

Will any one will you, Enos commence at once by telling me now to my face my principal faults? I answered after a moment's reflection 'You have a great deal of intellectual arrogance, and you are, physically, very indolent' "He did not flinch from the self-invited test, though he looked a little surprised. "'Well put, said he, 'though I do not say that you are entirely correct.

Newt, would not be unwilling to contribute a certain share of the expense of your election; and indeed, now that you are so conspicuous a leader, he would probably expect to contribute handsomely to the current expenses of the Party. Isn't it so?" "Of course," said General Belch. "Of course," said Enos Slugby.

Now, there's room enough for all of us, at least, all that can make it suit to go. Abel, you and Enos, and Pauline and Eunice might fix matters so that we could all take the place in partnership, and pass the summer together, living a true and beautiful life in the bosom of Nature. There we shall be perfectly free and untrammelled by the chains which still hang around us in Norridgeport.

Your own brother wouldn't have known you, if he had seen you last, as I did, with smooth cheeks and hair of unmerciful length. Why, not even your voice is the same!" "That is easily accounted for," replied Mr. Johnson. "But in your case, Enos, I am puzzled to find where the difference lies.

The treaty of peace provided that beyond a line drawn from Enos near the mouth of the Maritza River on the Aegean Sea to Midia on the coast of the Black Sea all Turkey should be ceded to the Allies except Albania, whose boundaries were to be fixed by the Great Powers. A more direct concession to Greece was the withdrawal of Turkish sovereignty over Crete.

But even in the case where nothing more is said upon the tomb-stone than what Moses said of Seth, and of Enos, and of Cainan, and others, when he reckoned up the genealogy of Adam, namely, that "they lived and that they died," the Quakers do not approve of such memorials. For these convey no merit of the deceased, by which his example should be followed.