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I make no secret of it, but I declare to you that its very purity and intensity puts it far above and beyond any suspicion of being 'motive' for the murder of Mrs, Embury's huband." Mason Elliott looked Fleming Stone straight in the eye and the speaker's tone and expression carried a strong conviction of sincerity. Fibsy, too, scrutinized Elliott.

He had prescribed aromatic ammonia for Eunice, and a cup of coffee for Miss Ames, and then he had made a careful examination of Sanford Embury's mortal body. Upon its conclusion he had insisted that the ladies join him at breakfast and he saw to it that they made more than a pretense of eating.

By the way, if as you hint, one of those men did it, would they leave the medicine dropper that conveyed the poison, in Mrs, Embury's rooms. Would they want to bring suspicion against the woman they love? Answer me that?" "There might be another solution," Fifi nodded her wise little head thoughtfully. "Perhaps whoever did it, tried to throw suspicion on Miss Ames."

"Oh, don't disturb her, dear Mr. Embury," begged the vivacious Fifi; "she's out for blood! She's in the den, with three of our wizards and the sky's their limit!" "Tut, tut! What naughtiness!" Embury's manner was just the right degree of playful reproach, and his fine poise and distinguished air attracted attention from many of the players.

Don't you know that it must have been?" "Yes." "And then then, when you left Mr. Embury's room when you left him for the night-did you close his door?" "I did." "And that, of itself, locked that door?" "Yes, I suppose so." "Stop saying you suppose so. You know it did! You've lived in this house two years; you know how those doors work you know your closing that door locked it? Didn't it?"

Embury's, and with a sense of vague disappointment and discomfort, and had to fly closer than ever to Him. In the evening I thought I would go to the usual weekly service. It is true I don't like prayer-meetings, and that is a bad sign, I am afraid. But I am determined to go where good people go, and see if I can't learn to like what they like. Mother went with me, of course.

"It was, without doubt, Embury's spirit," he said, as Aunt Abby finished; "but your imagination has exaggerated and elaborated the facts. For instance, I think the jam and the gasoline are added by your fancy, in order to fill out the full tale of your five senses." "That's what I thought," and Fibsy nodded his head. "Raspberry jam! Oh, gee!" he exploded in a burst of silly laughter.

Unwillingly, and only after a repeated order, the man went. "No, ma'am," he said, on his return, addressing Eunice. "None of Mr. Embury's things are gone. All his pins and cuff-links are in their boxes and his watch is on the chiffonier where he always leaves it. "Then," resumed Hendricks, "what motive can you suggest, Dr. Crowell?" "It's not for me, sir, to go so far as that.

We talked it over at the matinee we were alone then but, yes, of course I recollect now that same evening Eunice was here and Mr. Hendricks was, too, and Mr. Patterson he lives in their apartment house the Embury's, I mean-and we all talked about it! There! I guess that's witnesses enough!" "I guess it is.

"asked Stone, with decided interest. "From Eunice's room that is, it had, of course, come from Mr. Embury's room, through Eunice's room, and so on into my room. For it was Sanford Embury's spirit get that firmly in your minds!" The old lady spoke with asperity, for she was afraid of contradiction, and resented their quite apparent scepticism. "Go on, please," urged Stone.