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May eagerly offered bail, rather as the readiest form of kindness than in the hope of its acceptance, and it was of course refused; but he made his way to the prisoner, and wrung his chill hand with all his might.

And now he was on his way to get his answer, the best whip, the most eagerly discussed, and one of the wealthiest unmarried men in America. Lingering irresolutely, considering with idle eyes the shadows lengthening across the sun-shot moorland, the sound of Siward's even voice aroused her from a meditation bordering on lassitude. She answered vaguely.

"And now I will tell you why, girls, only you must faithfully promise you won't repeat it to any one." "Of course not," said the girls eagerly, who were accustomed to receive secrets from their schoolfellows, though Maggie, as a rule, never gave her secrets to anyone. "Well, I will tell you," said Maggie, the color flushing into her face and then leaving it pale again.

"And," Julian caught his arm, "that gentleman is not dead. He's alive, I tell you; only in a faint, and alive." The boy looked into Julian's face with the pitying grin of superior knowledge of the world. "Ah, sir, you didn't see father," he said. Then he turned and bounded eagerly down the stairs, in a hurry for the cab-ride.

As for Antony, a wall now separated him from the world, and consequently from the woman who, spite of Alexas's accusations, had probably never stood closer to his heart. Charmian now eagerly strove to show the Queen what had induced the Syrian to pursue Barine so vindictively.

The two now pushed the grass apart and looked down eagerly. Rob rose to his knees and pushed the cap back on his forehead. "If I didn't know better," said he, "I'd call that the track of an elephant or a mastodon or something. See, there it goes, all along the shore." "But it can't be an elephant," said Jesse. "No, it can't be anything but just what it is the track of a bear!

"You have brought me something, all the same," she declared with conviction; and eagerly, eyes gleaming, "What is it? What is it?" she besought him. John laughed. "You are quite right," he said. "If one can't buy, beg, or borrow, in this world, one can generally steal." Annunziata drew away, regarded him with misgiving. "Oh, no; you would never steal," she protested.

Jacinth looked up eagerly; a reaction of hope came over her. 'Mamma, she said breathlessly, 'believe me, I don't mean to be either disrespectful or distrustful, but did Lady Myrtle say nothing against it? Is she perhaps going to do so when when she has thought everything over?

At last he struck a paragraph that he thought bore on the case in hand. He read eagerly, praying for light. "I've got it, at last," he announced, moving over to the bunk, beside which Ferrers stood. "Got what?" asked Jim. "I believe I'm on the track of the right stuff to give poor old Harry." "What's the name of the stuff you're going to give harry"

"With the greatest delight, if it is possible," he answered eagerly. A warmer glance from her dark eyes rested upon him. The blood seethed in his veins, and as he extended both hands to her and ardently uttered her name, she rushed forward, clinging to him with passionate devotion, as if seeking assistance, but when his lips touched hers she shrank back and loosed her soft arms from his neck.