United States or Austria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I say, "except under the call of duty;" and this exception, I am obliged to admit, is not a slight one; it is one which necessarily places a bar to any closer relation between it and ourselves, than that of an armed truce.

I did lay open the whole failings of the Office, and how it was his duty to find them, and to find fault with them, as Admiral, especially at this time, which he agreed to, and seemed much to rely on what I said.

Whether, however, the tone in which this curious negotiation with a neutral power was begun, or that, at last, the generosity of the Russian Monarch awakened a sense of duty in the Cabinet of Berlin, the arrival of our pacific envoy was immediately followed with warlike preparations.

"I ain't much of a person for it, young masters," said Sam Dawes, taking a hand of each of us and looking at us affectionately, "but I loves ye as sons, and I'll be in the place of a father, that I will." Faithfully did Sam Dawes keep his word. "Grief is right and does us good in the end, depend on't, or it wouldn't be sent; but it mustn't make us forget duty.

Though I conceived that a man who owes allegiance to the state is bound, on all important occasions, to propose such inquiries as tend to promote the publick good; yet I did not imagine it to be any part of my duty to present myself to the fury of those who appear to have other ends in view. For this cause, and for this only, I have chosen a feigned signature.

There is none upon whom this blow will fall more heavily than myself, but I have no right to interpose when a man is doing his duty." An exploding bomb could not have caused more consternation than the news brought by the parson. Every one felt the truth of his words and respected him for their utterance, but it was like asking them to consent to the blotting of the sun from the heavens.

And at the next Board Meeting it was decided, mainly owing to the influence of an exceedingly eloquent speech from the Headmaster, to alter the rules for the Sixth Form Poetry Prize, so that from thence onward no one need compete unless he felt himself filled with the immortal fire. With a pleasure that's emphatic We retire to our attic With the satisfying feeling that our duty has been done.

But no such thing took place. The corsairs merely turned Sir John upon his face, dragged his wrists behind him to make them fast, and having performed that duty with a speedy, silent dexterity they abandoned him. Sakr-el-Bahr watched their performance with those grimly smiling eyes of his.

So early was his mind impressed with a lively sense of religious duty. In anecdotes of this kind, and in the instances of eminently good men, it is that my head and heart have their most obstinate falls out. The question is: To what extent the undoubted subjective truth may legitimately influence our judgment as to the possibility of the objective. Ib. p. 67.

"We shall never quite understand each other," he said quietly. "You cannot see that it is a man's duty to do what is right for his children, rather than to sacrifice that in order to make them love him."