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The name of the martyr was perhaps never written on his grave; if it were ever there, it has been lost for centuries; but the little dulled bit of glass, as it catches the rays of the taper borne through the silent files of graves, sparkles and gleams with a light and glory not of this world.

Since thou must die, wilt thou not order it after thine own choice? It is to die for Egypt." "Is this the will of Kaid?" asked Harrik, his voice thick with wonder, his brain still dulled by the blow of Fate. "It was not the Effendina's will, but it hath his assent. Wilt thou write the word to the army and also to the Prince?" He had conquered.

No one can go through this without having his senses dulled, his individuality knocked out of him. It will take at least twenty years to recover what we have lost, and there won't be much fire left in you and me by then. Oh, I can tell you I am frightened of what's coming after. I can't face it. Of course there may be a great revival some day.

That was honest of him, and like him; another would have pretended he had thought of it earlier, and was keeping it back for a surprise. He had dulled down a little now; not much, but still you could notice that he hadn't that luminous look in his eyes that he had while Satan was in him.

The mute with the stupor of slumber further to disable his dulled hearing, did not move. "Young!" Philadelphus exclaimed in a whisper. "And new to the life!" "Pfui!" Julian scoffed. "Sleep makes even Venus look innocent!" "Then this is the most innocent wickedness I have seen in months!" "So you catalogue innocence as a charm! It's not here.

It was just before she had fallen completely asleep, when her senses were becoming dulled, and the final action of the morphia was about to set in, that a slight cough had brought her back from the void, partially arousing her. While in this condition she had perceived that Otto, her husband, had softly raised himself in bed.

"Of course, Gyuri told me to." "And why?" "He hated the pastor, for the old gentleman had no confidence in him." "Is this true?" Muller turned to the doctor. "I did not notice it," said Orszay with a voice that showed deep sorrow. "And you?" Muller's eyes bored themselves into the orbs of the young giant, now dulled with fear. Gyuri started and shivered.

Those seeds have fiery force and divine birth, so far as they are not clogged by taint of the body and dulled by earthy frames and limbs ready to die. Hence is it they fear and desire, sorrow and rejoice; nor can they pierce the air while barred in the blind darkness of their prison-house.

Her senses had been dulled by the years in the city, but childhood, hidden though not forgotten, came back as if by magic, with that first scent of sea and Spring. As yet, she had not fully realised how grateful she was for this little time away from her desk and typewriter.

He said, in jesting surprise, 'Thou hast kept the good wine until now, whereas the world gives its best first, and when the palate is dulled and the appetite diminished, then 'that which is worse. How true that is; how tragically true in some of our lives!