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"I am under no apprehension for the safety of his Majesty's squadron," he said in a circular letter to his scattered vessels, designed to heighten their ardor; "on the contrary, from the very high state of discipline of the ships, I am confident, should the enemy force us to battle, that we shall cut a very respectable figure; and if Admiral Duckworth joins, not one moment shall be lost in my attacking the enemy."

The crown he might otherwise win would bring neither honour nor pleasure." "Good again, Mother. You ought to have a place on the League committee. We shall have that Scripture entered on the rules. But I must run and dress. Farwell, you can take charge of Duckworth." But Duckworth was uneasy to be gone. "If you will excuse me, Mrs. Gwynne, I must get my men together." "Well, Mr.

History of Factory Legislation, Harrison and Hutchins. Macmillan. Revised edition. Frederic Keeling, Child Labour in the United Kingdom. P.S. King. Clementina Black, Sweating. Duckworth. G. Bell & Sons. J.A. Hobson, Work and Wealth. Macmillan. Edward Howarth and Mona Wilson, West Ham: A Study. Dent. Sir Thomas Oliver, M.D., Dangerous Trades. John Murray.

I have three men whom I will bitterly avenge Harry Shelton, Simon Malmesbury, and" striking his broad bosom "and Ellis Duckworth, by the mass!" Another man came, red with hurry, through the thorns. "'Tis not Sir Daniel!" he panted. "They are but seven. Is the arrow gone?" "It struck but now," replied Ellis. "A murrain!" cried the messenger. "Methought I heard it whistle. And I go dinnerless!"

The intended junction with the Spanish squadron in Cadiz being thus thwarted, Bruix passed the Straits on the 5th, and Lord St. Vincent, having recalled Keith, followed on the 12th with sixteen ships. On the 20th he joined Duckworth, and learned that the enemy, when last seen, were heading for Toulon. Keith's removal had uncovered Cadiz, and St.

By Jove, he is some looker too," replied Mr. Duckworth with reluctant enthusiasm. "And there is the High River Captain," said Mrs. Waring-Gaunt, "on the grey." "Oh, yes, Monteith, he played for All Canada last year, didn't he?" said Nora with immense enthusiasm. "He is perfectly splendid." "I hear the High River club has really sent only its second team, or at least two of them," said Mrs.

"May I suggest the Thunderbolt? You see, of course so stunning." "They are coming on," cried Nora, turning her shoulder in disdain upon the young man. "Look, there's your brother, Mrs. Waring-Gaunt. I think he is perfectly splendid." "Which is he?" said Mr. Duckworth, acutely interested. "That tall, fine-looking man on the brown pony." "Oh, yes, I see. Met him this morning.

There was quite a number of young girls in his parish, more proportionately than in the others. Bell Masters and Amy Duckworth had long been hovering on its borders, and the advent of so young and prepossessing a rector had instantly removed their last scruples as to infant baptism, and settled forever their doubts as to the apostolic succession. They had come in at once.

The Turks having been tampered with by the French, Sir John Duckworth, in command of a squadron, had been sent to Constantinople to take possession of or destroy the Turkish fleet should the sultan not give a sufficient guarantee of his friendly intentions.

To the eastward of the summit there was a dip, and, as it were, a valley passing to the other side; the heath was not yet out; all the ground was rusty, like an unscoured buckler, and dotted sparingly with yews; and there, one following another, Dick saw half a score green jerkins mounting the ascent, and marching at their head, conspicuous by his boar-spear, Ellis Duckworth in person.