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These words were daggers to our souls; we made sure of as many stripes on our backs as there were feathers on the goose's; and our merriment was suddenly changed into mortification and despair. The drum-head was ordered to be taken off, and sure enough there lay poor goosey, as dead as a herring. The moment the landlord perceived it, he protested that "as he was a sinner, that was his goose."

A drum-head court-martial a hint "to sell out" ay, a sentence of "dismissed the service," had been mortal calamities, and, like a man, he would have borne them; but that he, Major John Jones, D.G.S. C.P.B., &c. &c, who had drank the "pious, glorious, and immortal," sitting astride of "the great gun of Athlone," should come to this! Alas, and alas!

But he swears the Patagonians will never catch him on their shores again, for he says he doesn't believe in making 'drum-head of man-skin," said the Captain, evidently with the intention of affecting the mate's feelings, and drawing his mind from its dark forebodings.

"Caution the men that any breach of discipline would be treated under German military law by drum-head court martial and sentence of death by shooting. Advise them to avoid indiscretions of any kind," said he. So I passed among them, pretending the suggestion was my own, and they resented it, as I knew they would.

From the drum-head, or tympanic membrane, the vibrations, which are now those of a solid, are communicated by a series of very small bones, most beautifully linked together by perfect joints, to another membrane, which closes a small hole in the outer wall of the inner ear.

The partitions convey sound like a drum-head, and everybody knows it; but no matter, a German family who are all kindness and consideration in the daytime make apparently no effort to moderate their noises for your benefit at night. They will sing, laugh, and talk loudly, and bang furniture around in a most pitiless way.

There was no mistake about it; it was a genuine historical document, of the Ziska drum-head pattern, a real cutis humarca, stripped from some old Scandinavian filibuster, and the legend was true. My friend, the Professor, settled an important historical and financial question once by the aid of an exceedingly minute fragment of a similar document.

"You're to play bear in the streets to-morrow which is sport for the King," he retorted; "we lead you by a rope, and you dance the quickstep to please our ladies all the way to the Chateau, where they bring the bear to drum-head." "Who sits behind the drum?" I questioned. "The Marquis de Vaudreuil," he replied, "the Intendant, Master Devil Doltaire, and the little men."

When one has a cold, the mucous membrane which lines this tube may become swollen or even catarrhal, and be so closed that no air can enter from the throat; the air already within the drum being absorbed, the outer air presses unduly against the drum-head, with the result that the whole conducting apparatus is put more or less out of condition, and a certain degree of deafness naturally results.

She had a bit of embroidery stretched over a circular frame like a drum-head. Needlework was not a passion with her, but it was understood in the Carling household that in course of time a set of table doilies of elaborate devices in colored silks would be forthcoming. It has been deplored by some philosopher that custom does not sanction such little occupations for masculine hands.