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"What's the use of our staying here?" said the private. "No one is moving about the streets. We ought to get into a house. My querida lives in Calle Arzobispo." "From here over there is quite a distance and we'll get wet," answered the distinguido. "What does that matter just so the lightning doesn't strike us?" "Bah, don't worry! The nuns surely have a lightningrod to protect them."

"That's not the wind, it's the specter," murmured the private, as if in response to the pressure of his companion's hand. "Ay! Ay!" came through the air, rising above the noise of the rain, nor could the whistling wind drown that sweet and mournful voice charged with affliction. Again the lightning flashed with dazzling intensity. "No, it's not a specter!" exclaimed the distinguido.

Matilde, hija de un padre, que, según de la comedia resulta, no conoce sus inclinaciones ni su carácter, ama a don Eduardo de Contreras, joven de talento, rico, y que ocupa un puesto distinguido en la sociedad; pero ignora estas circunstancias sin embargo de que entra en su casa con frecuencia.

"Come, come away from here," he repeated with his teeth rattling from fear. "What have you seen?" "A specter!" he murmured, trembling with fright. "A specter?" "On the roof there. It must be the nun who practises magic during the night." The distinguido thrust his head out to look, just as a flash of lightning furrowed the heavens with a vein of fire and sent a horrible crash earthwards.

My brothers: Gervasio soldado distinguido of the San Francisco Company; Santiago, a cadet in the same company; Francesco and Toribio, whose presence at the table I beg you will overlook, for when we are so fortunate as to be all together, senor, we cannot bear to be separated.

DON EDUARDO. Y ¿crees que me volverá a nombrar su heredero? DOÑA MATILDE. Como tres y dos son cinco. DON EDUARDO. Es que entonces tendríamos la dificultad del alguacilazgo y.... DOÑA MATILDE. Tanto mejor, es un título muy distinguido ... casi tanto como maestrante. DON PEDRO. Vaya, hijos, ¿qué sale de esta consulta? DOÑA MATILDE. Que nos vamos con usted. DON PEDRO. ¡Alabado sea Dios!

When the hoarse reverberations of the thunder, a hundred times re-echoed, lost themselves in the distance, there was heard the soughing of the wind as it drove the raindrops with a continuous tick-tack against the concha-panes of the closed windows. Two patrolmen sheltered themselves under the eaves of a building near the nunnery, one a private and the other a distinguido.