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An architect who had directed with great skill the removal of the debris was standing close beside me and gave orders to tear down the wall, whose fall would cost more lives. Just at that moment I distinctly heard an inexpressibly mournful cry of pain.

Cecily seemed to consider for a moment, then she answered slowly: "Well, he very nearly beat me and I rather wish he had," she said. The net result of the day had distinctly not been to further certain schemes. All that had been achieved and both of them had contributed to it was an admirable example of the Tristram way.

"Help! help!" the words echoed sharp and clear again through the frosty morning air, and this time the man walking hurriedly along the road heard it distinctly, paused, and turned a very startled face toward the river.

From a look of humorous indignation, her face suddenly assumed an expression of absolute terror. She shrank away. "There's something soft in the bed!" she shrieked. "I felt it with my hand!" They all looked towards the cot. Quest held up the lantern. They distinctly saw a movement under the bedclothes. The Inspector, stooping down, suddenly entered the tent. "Say, what's wrong here?" he demanded.

Few will be able to read the record of this adventure without emotion. What then must it have been to have experienced it in bodily presence, and to have shared in all its terrible dangers? As we have before said, there was no distinctly proclaimed war, at this time, between the pioneers and the Indians.

Our chronometers, however, distinctly showed us that we had been carried, not, as usual, to the westward, but actually to the eastward, a distance of more than a hundred miles; so that, in less than a week, there occurred upwards of two hundred miles of error in the dead reckoning.

If the original work is sharply defined and a distinctly shaped border is present, then the work must be proceeded with as in the instance of making a new copy of a violin. Some little difficulty may appear when the question of matching the purfling arises.

Few districts are more thoroughly vitiated, more distinctly poverty- struck, more entirely at enmity with soap and water than that in which this church stands. Physically, mentally, and spiritually, it is in a state of squash and mildew.

On one occasion, after carefully cutting steps and examining the faces of cleavage for an hour and a half, I detected a small patch of ice, under the overhanging rim of a crevasse, marked distinctly with the familiar network of lines on the surface; but I was unable to discover anything betokening a prismatic condition of the interior.

Some of them might be said to be passionately so, removing their hair from off their ears and bending their heads forward, as if to catch the sounds more distinctly, whenever we amused them in this manner. Their own music is entirely vocal, unless indeed the drum or tambourine before mentioned be considered an exception.