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"I believe that we both have been wise to-night; though it is true that a man dislikes being a fool and having it made manifest." "And how about the woman scorned?" with an enchanting smile. "It is kismet," he acknowledged. Warrington laid down his pen, brushed his smarting eyes, lighted his pipe, and tilted back his chair.

"He dislikes praise so much that he does not understand how sweet it is to smaller people." This made Tommy wince. He was always distressed when timid Elspeth blurted out things of this sort in company, and not the least of his merits was that he usually forbore from chiding her for it afterwards, so reluctant was he to hurt her.

So many people are vegetarians nowadays that the hostess will make provision for them and she should in planning her menus consult the individual tastes of the guests who are under her roof. Perhaps a guest is unwisely invited to a house-party where someone he or she particularly dislikes is also a guest.

And then without waiting for a reply: "I sometimes think poor Jack is just a little well, I wouldn't say mad, but a little queer. His dislikes are so violent. He positively loathes Margaret, though why I have never been able to understand." "He doesn't hate me," laughed Lydia, and Jean looked at her strangely. "No, I suppose not," she said. "I can't imagine anybody hating you, Lydia.

"Yes?" says she; and then suddenly, as if not caring for the answer she has demanded, "You mean that he You too think that he dislikes me?" There is woe in the pale, small, lovely face. "Very probably. He was always eccentric. Perfect nuisance at home. None of us could understand him. I shouldn't in the least wonder if he had taken a rooted aversion to you, and taken it badly too!

Secondly, because the sight of it in its present state, and the recollection of the unpunished outrage which brought it to this pass, is not very likely to soothe down border feelings among English subjects here, or compose their border quarrels and dislikes.

He said what he thought, but without offence; he knew what he wanted, yet without greed or selfishness. He had that politeness which is due to alert perception of every one near him, their rights and claims, their likes and dislikes; for true politeness is practically an expansion of consciousness which involves seeing the point of view of every one else at once.

How should he have known all this? Courtship before marriage did not exist in the society open to him: hence he treats the propriety of giving away a maiden, as one in which her conscience, her likes and dislikes, are not concerned: 1 Cor. vii. 37, 38. If the law leaves the parent "power over his own will" and imposes no "necessity" to give her away, Paul decidedly advises to keep her unmarried.

The mind which looks not merely on its own things, its own interest, its own reputation, its own opinions, likes, and dislikes, but on those of others, and has learnt to live and let live. Yes, this, he says, is the mind of Christ. My friends, I beseech you, young and old, rich and poor, remember the full meaning of these glorious words, and of those which follow them.

This, though sadly chequered by Mr Arnold's first domestic troubles, was on the whole prosperous, was somewhat less laborious than the earlier years, and was lightened by ever more of the social and public distractions, which no man entirely dislikes, and which to a certain extent and in a certain way Mr Arnold did not dislike at all.