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I threaten it, distress her excessively and then I am overcome by sympathy for her and I go back to her.... In the ordinary course of things I should be with her now." "If it were not for the carbuncle?" "If it were not for the carbuncle. She does not care for me to see her disfigured. She does not understand " Sir Richmond was at a loss for a phrase "that it is not her good looks."

Grim and dreadful he looked, like a hungry lion, buffeted by rain and wind, who goes forth in a tempest to seek his prey; for he was haggard with long fasting, and sore disfigured by his battle with the sea; his eyes glared with famine, and his hair and beard hung ragged and unkempt about his face.

He had hardly reached it, when the door of the room opened, and his master appeared. Disfigured as Simon Turchi's countenance had been by the thirst for revenge, crime made it still more frightful. The signor could hardly have been recognized. His hair stood upright; his eyes rolled in their sockets; a hard, hoarse sound escaped his lips; blood dripped from his hands.

If I were cross-eyed, or had been afflicted with small-pox, or were otherwise disfigured, I should not require Mr. and Mrs. Waul; but Madame Orme, the lonely widow deprived by death of a father's or brother's watchful protection, finds her humble companions a valuable barrier against presumption and insolence.

'My name is Lizzie Hexam. 'I must be sore disfigured. Are you afraid to kiss me? The answer is, the ready pressure of her lips upon the cold but smiling mouth. 'Bless ye! NOW lift me, my love. Lizzie Hexam very softly raised the weather-stained grey head, and lifted her as high as Heaven.

Almost buried in this, the figure of a man lying upon the ground filled them for a moment with a new consternation but this was no lifeless body. They dragged it out a squalid, miserable object, with bleared eyes and red disfigured face, a drunken, half-imbecile Indian.

Several hundred fell under the fiery mass, a charred heap of corpses, the raging remainder pressed on in frenzied haste, clambering over piles of burning dead, trampling on scorched, disfigured faces that perhaps but a moment since had been dear to them, each and all bent on forcing a way out to the open air.

It filled him with disgust to see them swarming in the streets of Montreal, sometimes carrying bows and arrows, their coarse features worse disfigured by war-paint and a gaudy headdress of feathers, their heads shaven, with the exception of one long scalp-lock, their gleaming bodies nearly naked or draped with dirty buffalo or beaver skins. What allies for a refined grand seigneur of France!

Among the many improvements lately made by Lord Curzon in the Fort is the clearance of the wire-netting fernhouses and bedraggled shrubs which formerly disfigured the quadrangle. If it cannot be kept up in the old Mogul style, it is certainly better to leave the garden uncultivated.

The most populous districts of Pera, of Galata, and of Stamboul are now disfigured by great areas of fire-blackened ruins reminders of the several terrible conflagrations from which the Turkish capital has suffered in recent years.