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He had been calmed by her outwardly matter-of-fact acceptance of the situation. But he did not perceive the fires of her soul gleaming deep in her eyes. "If Governor Harwood is renominated and the next legislature is in the hands of your uncle, as usual, you will be sure to remain in your position?" "Of course!" "And you can hide the discrepancy on your books from the auditing committee?"

Here was surely a suggestive approximation, yet, on the other band, the discrepancy seemed to be too great to warrant him in the supposition that he had found the true solution. He therefore dismissed the matter from his mind for the time being, nor did he return to it definitely for some years.

This she had accepted unquestioningly in the early days when she was a little in awe of him, when the discrepancy of their ages and experiences had not been dissipated by her first presumptuous laughter at his expense. Now it puzzled her, appearing as a specific trait differentiating him from Man in the abstract.

You might as well talk of Christian Mathematics as of Christian Art, or bind the sweet influences of Pleiades as the volant sallies of a poet's wit. Once we get it into our heads that the Tuscans were fanciful children, always, and the discrepancy of critics, of Ruskin and Mr. George Moore, of Rio and Mr. Addington Symonds, may vanish.

One of his Ears was larger than the other. He made a funny noise with his Adam's Apple when drinking Hot Coffee. When he was annoyed, he bit his nails. When suffering from a Cold, he was Sniffy. The first time she became aware of the slight discrepancy in Ears, she suffered only a slight Annoyance. It handed her a tiny Pang to find a Flaw in a Piece of Work that she had regarded as Perfect.

To reconcile discrepancy, he adopts the usual clumsy expedient of supposing two cities of the same name, one situated seven degrees south of the other. Salt corrects the error, but does not seem to have heard of old Zayla's insular position. The inhabitants were termed Avalitae, and the Bay "Sinus Avaliticus."

What were taken to be the polar regions appeared comparatively dusky. Similar observations were made at Nice by MM. Perrotin and Thollon, March to June, 1884, a lucid spot near the equator, in addition, indicating rotation in a period of about ten hours. The discrepancy was, however, considerably reduced by Perrotin's study of the planet in 1889 with the new 30-inch equatoreal.

Jack as he gazed into David's luminous eyes. In September David entered the village school. School and David did not assimilate at once. In most studies he was far beyond boys of his own age, yet at every turn she encountered these puzzling spots of discrepancy, which rendered grading in the ordinary way out of the question.

Saddletree, and I'll explain the discrepancy in three words," said Butler, as pedantic in his own department, though with infinitely more judgment and learning, as Bartoline was in his self-assumed profession of the law "Give me your patience for a moment You'll grant that the nominative case is that by which a person or thing is nominated or designed, and which may be called the primary case, all others being formed from it by alterations of the termination in the learned languages, and by prepositions in our modern Babylonian jargons You'll grant me that, I suppose, Mr.

"Messieurs," he said grandiloquently, "I assure you on my honor that I am not misleading you." Nor was he. The discrepancy was cleared up next day. The Morris automobile was undergoing repairs, and the motor manufacturers had supplied the gray car for use in the interim. Steingall swept the matter aside impatiently. "Go on," he said to the Frenchman.