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The war, he thought, was the great test of characters, it revised all values, and tried out friendships. And he thought that the loss of Perrotin was balanced by the gain of Camus, and many new friends, plain people, no doubt, but simple and warm-hearted. Sometimes at night he had moments of oppression, he was uneasy, wakeful, discontented, ashamed; ... but of what? Had he not done his duty?

How much higher than all our great men was the Son of the carpenter of Galilee. Humanity knows the difference between them and the Saviour." "But did He save it? "'When Jahveh speaks: "'Tis my desire," His people work to feed the fire." "Your circle of flame is the last terror, and Man exists only to break through, that he may come out of it free." "Free?" repeated Perrotin with his quiet smile.

"Yes, ill enough," answered Clerambault, "but I have pulled myself together again, and am better now." "It is the cruelest blow of all," said Perrotin, "to lose at our age, such a friend as your poor boy was to you ..." "The most cruel is not his loss," said the father, "it is that I contributed to his death." "What do you mean, my good friend?" said Perrotin in surprise.

The same intelligence which darkened my eyes, has now torn away the bandage; how can it be, at the same time, a power for truth and for falsehood?" Perrotin shook his head. "Yes, intelligence is so great and so high that she cannot put herself at the service of any other forces without derogation; for if she is no longer mistress and free, she is degraded.

M. Perrotin at the Nice Observatory was able to redetect Schiaparelli's canals, which elicited the remark that "the reality of the existence of the delicate markings discovered by the keen-sighted astronomer of Brera seems thus fully demonstrated, and it appears highly probable that they vary in shape and distinctness with the changes of the Martial seasons."

"Chéri" walked out with his head in the air, like an ass in a sacred procession, accompanied by Perrotin to the very threshold, and when the friends were once more alone, Clerambault would have liked to resume the conversation, but he could not conceal that he was a little chilled by what had passed.

The displacements or disappearance of secondary dividing-lines the singular striated appearance, first remarked by Short in the eighteenth century, last by Perrotin and Lockyer at Nice, March 18, 1884 show the effects of waves of disturbance traversing a moving mass of gravitating particles; the broken and changing line of the planet's shadow on the ring gives evidence of variety in the planes of the orbits described by those particles.

"It amounts to this, that you think I am wrong?" asked Clerambault, distressed. "I see that I am alone in this, but I cannot help it. Do not try to spare me now, but tell me, am I wrong to think as I do?" "No, my friend," replied Perrotin gravely, "you are right." "Then you agree that I ought to fight against these murderous mistakes?" "Ah, that is another matter."

Clerambault knew it perfectly well, but he swallowed all the fawning reviews of the press with infantile vanity. In the evening he made Camus read them aloud in the family circle, beaming with joy as he listened. When it was over he nearly shouted: "Encore!" In this concert of praise one slightly flat note came from Perrotin. What could he mean?

He wrote to congratulate him, and Perrotin thanked him in a few prudent and sibylline words: "DEAR SIR," he affected in writing the studied, ceremonious formulas of Monsieur de Port-Royal "I am ready to obey any suggestions of my country, for me they are commands. My conscience is at her service, according to the duty of every good citizen."