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He may run the same risk from isolation as Dick: not be able to choose his companions wisely when he grows up, but be too much overcome by the excitement of society to be very discreet as to who are his associates. Have you spoken to her about my plan?" "Yes! but to no purpose. I cannot say that she would even admit an argument on the subject.

Cresswell and Stillings had a long conference, and when Stillings hastened away he could not forbear cutting a discreet pigeon-wing as he rounded the corner. He had been promised the backing of the whole Southern delegation in his schemes. That night Teerswell called on him in his modest lodgings, where over hot whiskey and water they talked.

She sees too much of this Gretzinger and Charlie Menocal and men like them; and the time may come when I'll tremble. I've begged her to be discreet and considerate of your good opinion and love, but she always declares that she's acting eminently proper. Lee." "Yes." "There's something more. Gretzinger's not only finding amusement in her company, he's in love with her.

Greeley presided, and that the bland and eccentric teetotaler, who was not supposed to be versed in what Carlyle called the "tea-table proprieties," should take the chair at a dinner to so roistering a blade within discreet limits and so skilled an artist of all kinds of beverages as Dickens, was a stroke of extravaganza in his own way.

"Curses upon him, if he has betrayed me?" muttered, the stranger, as if speaking to himself. "If you are speaking of Don Lucas Despierto," interrupted the carabinier, "I can assure you he is incapable of such a thing; and if I am here it is because that he has been only too discreet, senor smuggler." "Smuggler!" exclaimed the unknown, in a tone of proud disdain.

I shouldn't have a moment's peace if you were left with her, but I have entire confidence in Jane Bassett because she is faithful, discreet, and a true lady in all things." There was no more to be said, and Ethel pouted in vain.

"She says, 'You're a low, vulgar creature! And Flamby says, 'Perhaps I am, she says, 'but I ain't afraid to tell anybody where I spend my week-ends!" "Ah," interrupted Paul, hurriedly, "you should not have repeated that, Fawkes; but I am to blame. See to it that you are more discreet in future." "Yes, sir," said Fawkes, all downcast immediately. "Shall I tell you what happened to the fox, sir?"

He stayed long away, and Patty Holt writ often, discreet and willing to serve me; and one day comes a packet from her, and when I cut the seals, out falls a letter his. I read it first.

Rosalie thought at first this was a plaintive question directly from the Miss Pockets in their capacity as school-teachers and therefore as licensed makers of reports; but immediately afterwards saw "Isaiah" printed under it in discreet characters "Who Hath Believed our Report? Isaiah." and concluded that it was Isaiah who had believed it.

"If it were a secret o' mine, Monkbarns," replied the beggar, "ye suldna ask twice; for I hae aye said ahint your back, that for a' the nonsense maggots that ye whiles take into your head, ye are the maist wise and discreet o' a' our country gentles.