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He did not really want to enlist Ireland like a recruit, but simply to disarm Ireland like an enemy. Hence his settlement was from the first in a false position for settling anything. The Union may have been a necessity, but the Union was not a Union. It was not intended to be one, and nobody has ever treated it as one.

Extermination is all that will stay the fire of the police. Sheriff Marlin and Captain Grout stand in the middle of the road. Metz, O'Connor, and Nevins, a mine foreman, are standing beside them. O'Connor carries the white flag; Nevins the National emblem. "Disarm those men," Marlin directs the Captain. "Disarm them?" Captain Grout repeats, inquiringly. "Certainly.

Their service in the field was speedy and vigorous; but their friendship was venal, their faith inconstant, their enmity capricious: it was an easier task to excite than to disarm these roving barbarians; and, in the familiar intercourse of war, they learned to see, and to despise, the splendid weakness both of Rome and of Persia.

"Then why didn't yew say so, mister, and not talk in that windy-bag way?" "Disarm the others, my lads," cried Bob. "Now you sir," he continued to Mark, "give up your sword." "Shan't." "What?" "I'm not going to give it up to yew. Tell 'em to send an orfycer, not one of the ship's boys." "You insolent hound!" "If yew call me a hound again, squaire, I'll kinder punch your head," said Mark, quietly.

He was in a situation to sheath his sword without danger, certain that no sovereign would oblige him again to draw it. Perceiving he did not disarm, I was afraid he would profit but little by the advantages he had gained, and that he would be great only by halves.

On the road Herbert Edwardes passed the corps, and drove Daly on into Rawul Pindi, there to meet the great hearts of the Punjab, John Lawrence, Neville Chamberlain, and John Nicholson. A day was spent here in consultation on the broad aspect of affairs, and locally as to the advisability, or otherwise, of using the Guides to disarm the native artillery in garrison.

He stopped him, asked his name, his age, regiment, and country. "Monsieur," said the soldier, who did not know him, "my name is Martin; I am seventeen years old, and from the Upper Pyrenees." "you are a Frenchman, then?" "yes, Monsieur." "Ah, you are a miserable' Frenchman. Disarm this man, and hang him!" "Yes, you fool, I am French," repeated the conscript; "and Vive l'Empereur!"

As Lord James had once observed, with regard to his visit at Ruthby Castle, Blake's bigness of mind seemed to be instinctively sensed by nearly all those with whom he came in contact on favorable terms. But, from the first, he avoided Genevieve with a persistence so marked as almost to disarm Mrs. Gantry.

Another little draught and he would go down to the study as though nothing had happened. If he should meet anybody his easy manner would disarm suspicion. Besides, he could take the bottle with him in the pocket of his long coat the bottle of courage, he said to himself with a smile, as he set it to his lips. This time he drank but little, and very slowly.

Obviously, it was the sheriff's intention to conduct the primary as quietly as possible, hoping no doubt to disarm whatever opposition might develop. But Hollis had been apprised of the appearance of the proclamation and had quietly proceeded to plant the seed of opposition to Watkins in the minds of his friends.