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The unforeseen shortening of my visit must account for many disappointments to myself, and some, it may be, to others. First in the list of lost opportunities was that of making my bow to the Queen. I had the honor of receiving a card with the invitation to meet Her Majesty at a garden-party, but we were travelling when it was sent, and it arrived too late. I was very sorry not to meet Mr.

The opening of the school in the Kanawha Valley brought to me one of the keenest disappointments that I ever experienced. I had been working in a salt furnace for several months, and my stepfather had discovered that I had a financial value, and so, when the school opened, he decided that he could not spare me from my work. This decision seemed to cloud my every ambition.

He never returned from London but I was assured I might be satisfied now, for I was certain of the first vacancy; and, what surprizes me still, when I reflect on it, these assurances were given me with no less confidence, after so many disappointments, than at first.

It was therefore with eagerness that we listened to a rumor of a new Florida expedition, in which we might possibly take a hand. Florida Again? Let me revert once more to my diary, for a specimen of the sharp changes and sudden disappointments that may come to troops in service.

Sad is it for us who are old enough to have tasted the bitterness of that cup which life sooner or later presents to all lips, and have borne the burden of its toil and fretting, that our vexations and disappointments pursue us even in our slumber, disturbing our sleep with reproachful visions and the sound of voices whose upbraiding robs us of our otherwise peaceful repose.

"They never can get me to love any one else, never!" she resumed, when the door opened and Mrs. Chapman entered, arrayed in her best millinery, and her front hair screwed into the tightest of curls. The good woman had evidently resolved to put on her very best appearance. "These disappointments are very annoying, my daughter, very," she spoke, advancing and fretting her hand nervously.

The instructor, who had met with many disappointments, knew how to feel for a stranger who had been thus turned upon the charities of an unfeeling community. He looked at him earnestly, and said: "Be of good cheer look forward, sir, to the high destination you may attain. Remember, the more elevated the mark at which you aim, the more sure, the more glorious, the more magnificent the prize."

"Oh you've got time you can come round again; you've a margin for accidents, for disappointments and recoveries: you can take one thing with another. But I've only my last little scrap." "And you want to make no mistakes I see." "Well, I'm too easily upset." "Ah so am I," said Nanda. "I assure you that in spite of what you say I want to make no mistakes either.

The points of weakness and strength in each of the patriarchs mentioned. The disappointments and family troubles of Jacob as seen in the light of his early deceptions. Other illustrations that a man will reap whatever he sows. The strong family ties, seen especially in the matter of marriage. The fundamental value of faith in life.

The reader may now conceive the many miserable hours I must have spent, after such visits, in returning home; and how grievously my heart must have been afflicted by these cruel disappointments, but more particularly where they arose from causes inferior to those which have been now mentioned, or from little frivolous excuses, or idle and unfounded conjectures, unworthy of beings expected to fill a moral station in life.