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"But not to digress" Pray, doth he call scurrility upon the clergy, a digression? The apology needless, &c. Ibid. "A clergyman, it is said, is God's ambassador." But you know an ambassador may have a secretary, &c. Ibid. "Call their pulpit speeches, the word of God." That is a mistake. "Such persons to represent Him." Are not they that own His power, fitter to represent Him than others?

Here I must digress for a moment to refer to the position of the Irish Church.

But I digress. In the morning, when we looked out of our windows, we saw a wonderful sight. Across the valley, and apparently quite neighborly and close at hand, the giant form of the Jungfrau rose cold and white into the clear sky, beyond a gateway in the nearer highlands.

This was a delight to be left for a future day, when I allowed the doctor all the credit and pleasure of persuading me to do that which I was burning with desire to do. But I digress. No sooner were both fully prepared than my aunt, in a stern voice, ordered the doctor to approach. "Come here, sir, I must whip you, you have not done your duty as you ought lately, and you are a very naughty boy."

Clasping my two hands together and greatly moved, I concluded, "If I break it off now and ANYTHING SHOULD happen, my life is over and I shall feel as if I had murdered him." A propos of vanity, in the interests of my publisher I must here digress and relate the two greatest compliments that I ever had paid to me.

Your note by its strong language has drawn out this letter. For as to what actually occurred on the day of your start, it supplied me with absolutely no subject for writing. But as when we are together we are never at a loss for something to say, so ought our letters at times to digress into loose chat.

When Monsieur Leblanc was sober, he was a most excellent and well-informed tutor, although one apt to digress into many side issues, which in themselves were not uninstructive.

The feeling of gratitude, which I cherish toward these men, has caused me to digress further than I had foreseen or proposed; but to have passed them over in an historical sketch of my literary life and opinions, would have seemed to me like the denial of a debt, the concealment of a boon.

We must no longer digress, although upon a most important and most interesting topic, but proceed to inform our readers what they must already have anticipated, that Zillah had little inclination towards the husband procured for her by her injudicious friends.

Why, when I was but a child my mother gave me money and bade me go prove but I digress. Well, thus my brother grew up not ignorant of the things a man should know if he is to be a man and not a babu, but the woman, his mother, wept sore whenever he was taken from her, and gave my father trouble and annoyance as women ever do.