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Another lieutenant of John Devoy, who had charge of the organisation of the British army, was an old schoolfellow of mine with the Liverpool Christian Brothers, Peter Maughan, of whom I have already spoken as a fellow-workman at the Curragh. Before joining the I.R.B. Peter had been a member of the "Brotherhood of St.

Barclay, who died the other day, was sergeant in the same company as myself, and the belle of the regiment, ay, and the finest girl that ever had the breath of life between her lips, was Nancy Devoy, the daughter of the color-sergeant.

The men stared in the direction pointed by Dick in silence, wondering what this development might mean. Devoy was the first to move. Gripping Dick, he lifted him from the logs. 'Run, run, ye bla'gard! he said. 'Fetch yer school football. Then as Dick hastened away Devoy took a commanding position on the barricade. 'Hear me, all of yez, he cried. 'Down wid yer sticks, every divil of yez!

The Land League, founded in Ireland in 1879, was transplanted to America in 1880, when the first branch was established in New York City through the efforts of Patrick Ford, John Boyle O'Reilly, John Devoy, and others. Michael Davitt soon after came to America and travelled through the country founding branches of the League.

In time Peterson and Devoy and Rogers found voice and yelled encouragement to their men, and sticks and fists worked grievous mischief.

You Cow Flat min, too, down wid 'em! Look it here the troopers is comin'. Shine have infor-rmed on us in Yarraman. Moind, now, this is jist a bit of divarsion we've been havin'. The Waddy men had dropped their weapons, so also had most of their foes, and all gathered closer about Devoy. 'T'row away thim shticks, he yelled. 'D'ye want tin years fer riot, an' murther, an' dish turbin' the peace?

Now the men were induced to take a hand, and there was talk of battle and pillage and sudden death. Devoy, pugnacious and vengeful, provoked the first serious struggle.

'What is the meaning of this, my man? he demanded. 'Meanin' which, sor? Devoy cocked a black and swollen eye at the officer, and smiled innocently over a lacerated chin. 'Meaning this. The trooper waved a white glove over the congregation. 'Sure, it's a bit of a game only a bit of a friendly game o' football, as ye may see wid the own eyes of ye.

The enterprise was projected in America, among its most active promoters being John Devoy. An American barque, of 202 tons, the Catalpa, was bought, and converted into a whaler, but was intended to be used in carrying off the convicts. She was ready for sea in March, 1875.

Devoy in a letter sent to the Freeman's Journal in Dublin, the outlines of a scheme for overthrowing British rule in Ireland by revolutionising the ownership of land in that country. The basis of this scheme had been laid thirty years before, in 1848, by Finton Lalor, John Mitchel, and the present Archbishop of Cashel, then a simple curate.