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He could send out of town for hands," suggested Richard. "And they wouldn't come, if the Association said 'Stay where you are. They are mostly in the ring. Some outsiders might come, though." "Then what?" "Why, then the boys would make it pretty hot for them in Stillwater. Don't you notice?" "I notice there is not much chance for me," said Richard, despondingly. "Isn't that so?" "Can't say.

'There's the people, sighed Nevil, entangled in his uncle's haziness. 'What people? 'I suppose the people of Great Britain count, sir. 'Of course they do; when the battle's done, the fight lost and won. 'Do you expect the people to look on, sir? 'The people always wait for the winner, boy Nevil. The young fellow exclaimed despondingly, 'If it were a race!

The rain has prevented her from taking this boat, and she is not likely to come later as she comes alone," said Moor, returning from a fruitless drive to meet his expected guest one October evening. "It always rains when I want anything very much. I seem to have a great deal of bad weather in my life," answered Sylvia, despondingly.

Babette hung her curly brown head despondingly, and looked appealingly at her brother. Now Henri was a decided cynic; but his sister exercised a weird fascination over him, a sort of power to command which he always felt more or less constrained to obey.

But accordingly as their ingenuity had supplied their wants, and their minds became more disengaged from expedients, their melancholy increased, and they looked round despondingly on the sterile and desolate region where, they felt, they were to spend the rest of their days, far away from the hearths of home, and from early friends and companions.

"Folter could take you to the proper places." "Folter would be of no use to me," said Mary. "If your coachman knows the best shops, that will be enough." "But there's no time to make up anything," objected Hesper, despondingly, not the less with a glimmer of hope in her heart. "Not like that," answered Mary; "but there is much there as unnecessary as it is ugly. If Folter is good at her needle "

"Keep up heart, mother!" says Ludwig, feigning a cheerfulness he far from feels. "'Twill be all right yet, and we'll see them home to-morrow morning if not before. You know that father has often stayed out all night." "Never alone," she despondingly answers. "Never with Francesca. Only when Gaspar was along with him." "Well, Gaspar's with him now, no doubt; and that'll make all safe.

"Then you don't think I can dispose of this at any rate?" asked Clemence, despondingly. "I need the money very much." "I know you do," said the man compassionately, gazing into the girl's pale face. "You ought not to be working at anything after such a dangerous illness. Perhaps you had better leave it here for a few days, and I will see if I cannot get any orders for you."

The corporal rose on his feet and shook himself like an elephant. "Dat tog is de tyfel's imp, and dat's de end on it," said he, with alarm still painted on his countenance. "And is he really on board again?" inquired Coble, doubtingly. "As sartin as I stands on this here forecastle a-kissing and slobbering the lieutenant for all the world like a Christian," replied Smallbones, despondingly.

When I remarked despondingly that in my condition it would be impossible to quit Manapuri, he went on to say that a small party of Indians was now in the settlement; that they had come, not only to trade, but to visit one of their own tribe, who was his wife, purchased some years ago from her father.