United States or Martinique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I noted with interest in the Irish papers recently that the name of the Secretary of the Hibernian Order at the Bridge of Mayo, County Down, was "Brother Denvir." Our country sent over to Liverpool, besides sterling Nationalists, as bitter a colony of Irishmen I suppose we can scarcely deny the name to men born in Ireland as were, perhaps, to be found anywhere in the world.

This is that General James William Denver after whom, for his distinguished career, the capital of the State of Colorado was called Denver City had for his grandfather Patrick Denvir, who did a man's share in the insurrection of '98, and, for his connection with it, had to fly from his native Down to America.

'I wish it wasn't Sunday, he said at last, 'because then I could go and do something. If I thought that no one would see me, I'd fill a dung-cart or two, even though it is Sunday. I'll tell you what I'll go and take a walk as far as Denvir Sluice; and I'll be back to tea. You won't mind? 'Denvir Sluice is eight miles off. 'Exactly I'll be there and back in something over three hours.

On the morning of the election I went to the North-Western. Mr. O'Connor was somewhat late in getting to work. Parnell, noticing, I suppose, that I seemed uneasy about something, asked, "What's amiss with you, Denvir?" "We would like to see Mr. O'Connor on the ground in Scotland Division," I said. He shook his head: "Ah, that's the way with him since he got married."

But he knew, as well as I did, that the difficulty in the way of this was what might be called the Grand Vizier, Canon Fisher. "You should push forward, Denvir," Father Nugent would say, "after Mass is over, and ask to see the Bishop." Over and over again I did so, but was always met at the vestry door by Canon Fisher, with his suave smile. "Well, Mr. Denvir, what can I do for you?"

Then he started, and did walk to Denvir Sluice and back in three hours. The road from Plaistow Hall to Denvir Sluice was not in itself interesting. It ran through a perfectly flat country, without a tree. For the greater part of the way it was constructed on the top of a great bank by the side of a broad dike, and for five miles its course was straight as a line.

After some conversation I was bidding him "good-night!" when he asked, as he took my hand, "Where are you going, Denvir? Are you not going to stay for the banquet?" I had not intended mentioning it, but as he asked me so pointedly, I felt bound to tell him my objection to being present. He did not attempt to controvert what I said, but still asked where I was going.

In it was the following kindly reference to myself: "Our present pleasing duty is to recognise the labours of Mr. Denvir efforts in such a cause are always touchingly beautiful as an inculcator of national sentiment; to illustrate the genuine literary interest and value of the first booklet of his new library; and to wish the library a long and useful, and in every way successful vogue."

In the middle of the previous night Miss Cameron told Miss Naughton her room being on the same landing as Kehoe's she heard him called, and a man's voice saying: "We've taken Forrester. Shall we go to Denvir?" There was a pause; then Kehoe said, "No," adding some words to the effect that he did not think that I was implicated.

Some people were astonished at the profound knowledge and others at what they considered "the impudence" displayed by Jack McArdle and John Denvir in answering any theological posers that might be put to us, never dreaming we had behind us one of the ablest theologians of the Jesuit order.