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"There's no demmed hurry for that, is there... er... Monsieur Chaubertin?..." came from the slowly wakening Sir Percy in somewhat thick, heavy accents, accompanied by a prolonged yawn. "I haven't got the demmed thing quite ready..." Chauvelin had been so startled that the paper dropped from his hand. He stooped to pick it up.

"La! you see it's no business of mine, and our demmed government is all on your side of the business. Old Pitt daren't say 'Bo' to a goose. You are in a hurry, sir," he added, as Chauvelin once again took out his watch; "an appointment, perhaps. . . . I pray you take no heed of me. . . . My time's my own." He rose from the table and dragged a chair to the hearth.

Demmed excitable little puppy," he added under his breath, "Faith, Ffoulkes, if that's a specimen of the goods you and your friends bring over from France, my advice to you is, drop 'em 'mid Channel, my friend, or I shall have to see old Pitt about it, get him to clap on a prohibitive tariff, and put you in the stocks an you smuggle."

"Send that demmed lot away, then," rejoined Sir Percy calmly. "They won't go.... They want to see you..." Sir Percy paused a moment, pen in hand, as if in deep reflection. "They want to see me," he said with a laugh. "Why, demn it all... then, why not let em?..."

"Odd's life!" he said, when at last, after frantic efforts on her part, the ropes seemed at last to be giving way, "but I marvel whether it has ever happened before, that an English gentleman allowed himself to be licked by a demmed foreigner, and made no attempt to give as good as he got."

"Ha!" he said, with his usual half-shy, half-pleasant-tempered smile, "my engaging friend from France! I hope, sir, that our demmed climate doth find you well and hearty to-day." The cheerful voice seemed to ease the tension. Marguerite sighed a sigh of relief.

"Good Lord," he said to himself, "is it possible that they are considering that demmed Saunders's proposition? Surely they can't be thinking of that!" As he led the way across the green, Browne's voice came to them distinctly. He was saying earnestly: "The mere fact that we have come out to this blessed isle is a point in favour of the islanders.

"Well, you see, he's working so hard to square himself with Medcroft for the break he made about the windows, that he's taking his spite out on all American architects. Confound him, he persists in saying I'm all right, but God deliver him from those demmed rotters, the American builders. He says he wouldn't let one of us build a hencoop for him, much less a dog kennel.

Is he in heaven, is he in hell, That demmed elusive Pimpernel?" It was a mere flash! One of memory's swiftly effaced pictures, when she shows us for the fraction of a second, indelible pictures from out our past.

He has the grudging respect of every faction in the National Assembly. Nothing but irrefutable proof would prevail against him and bring him to the guillotine." "Why not get Fabrice and Mlle. de Lucines safely over to England?" "Fabrice would not come. He is not of the stuff that emigres are made of. He is not an aristocrat; he is a republican by conviction, and a demmed honest one at that.