United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was specially interesting to notice the entry of the débutantes, many of whom were very beautiful, and almost all of whom were very graceful.

Not only dames, but a sprinklin' of old sports in spats and frock-coats and with waxed white mustaches was rounded up; and, with five or six debutantes Vee had got hold of, it's some crusty push. First off Mrs. Bagstock had been so limp and unsteady on her pins that she'd started in by receivin' 'em propped up in a big chair.

The debutantes were at once the center of interested groups composed of those who felt it a duty or pleasure to show them attention. Diana wandered to the music room and waylaid Arthur Weldon, who was just about to make his escape from the house, having decided it was impossible to find an opportunity to converse with Louise that evening.

"Save myself what?" she asked nervously. "The nuisance of talking to me about nothing. I'm not clever." Geraldine reddened. "I don't usually talk about nothing." "I do," he said. "I never have much to say." "Is that because you don't like débutantes?" she asked coldly. "It's because they don't care about me.... If you would talk to me, I'd really be grateful."

Geoffrey lay on the grass beside her, feasting his eyes upon her discreetly. Since when had English women grown so beautiful? At all the weddings and most of the dances he had lately attended, the brides and the débutantes had seemed to him of a loveliness out of all proportion to that of their fore-runners in those far-off days before the war.

It occurred to her with a suggestion almost of grotesqueness that she and Sybil had been debutantes in the same season. They walked up to the house. The summer cottage which Bailey had taken was not far from the station. On the way, in the intervals of her sobs, Sybil told Ruth the disjointed story of what had happened. Bailey had not been looking well for some days.

"It is so good of you to come early," said Mrs. Porter, as Alice Langham entered the drawing-room. "I want to ask a favor of you. I'm sure you won't mind. I would ask one of the debutantes, except that they're always so cross if one puts them next to men they don't know and who can't help them, and so I thought I'd just ask you, you're so good-natured. You don't mind, do you?"

The night he asked her not to wear it, and she tautingly refused, saw him, with all his success and favours, one of the most perplexed and unhappy men in London. It was just the waywardness of the little god Love. The fair débutantes with money and influence had left him untouched. No older woman but Lorraine had disturbed his peace, or appealed to his deepest affections.

Hamshaw, the big building saw the last of its moving-vans, its plumbers and decorators, and the new Gladdings were as quietly ensconced as the old had been. It was not until the end of the second week thereafter that Mr. Hamshaw had his first glimpse of the two debutantes the young Misses Frost. But that one glimpse was his undoing.

"Yes, the Rose-buds the debutantes; it's an odious little word, but everybody uses it. Don't you think that's a strange state of things for America? But I can't believe all those things," said Mrs. Pasmer, flinging off the shadow of this lurid social condition. "Isn't this a pretty scene?" "Yes, it is," Mr. Mavering admitted, withdrawing his mind gradually from a consideration of Mrs.