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And I spoze the noises is as deafenin' as it would be for all the Jonesville meetin'-house to knock all the tin pans and bilers they could git holt of together, and yell. "And they don't wear nothin' but some feathers," sez he. "Wall," sez I, "I don't want to see no sech sight, and I don't want you to."

By now t' din were fair deafenin'; I'd niver heerd aught like it afore, nor yet sin: without it were when my man took me down to Keighley, Christmas afore we were wed, an' I heerd t' lads and t' lasses singin' t' Hallelujah Chorus i' t' Methody chapil. When I saw t' conductor-lad wi' t' stick in his hand callin' up t' trebles an' basses an' tother sets o' singers, Marry!

It wuz a riot of deafenin' noise and clamor below, and fur fur above, Dreamland Tower flamed up a immense pillar of fire, blazin' out for the last time over sea and land, and with a dyin' effort at decoration, crashed down, sendin' up a shower of golden sparks a hundred feet high. Jest then a woman sez, "The little Incubator Babies have been forgotten." "Not by me!"

It grew louder, and louder still, until it was well, just deafenin'; then I felt the ship hove, first up and then down; then she touched something, but didn't seem to hit it very hard; I felt a blow, like a heavy sea hittin' her; I heard the fall and rush of water on her deck, and a crash that sounded as if the mainmast had gone over the side, then she struck again harder three or four times, heeling over until she seemed to be on her beam-ends, and flinging me right across the cabin floor; and all the time I could hear that she was bein' swept by awfully heavy seas.

"Tork about the streets of Lunnon, Master Lewis," he said. "I calls this country life deafenin'." Lewis had wanted to telegraph to Natalie, but Leighton had stopped him. "You've waited too long for that," he had said. "You have apparently neglected Natalie and Mrs. Leighton. When people think they've been neglected, never give them a chance to think up what they're going to say to you.

Anon the fiery energy that wuz makin' a planet, wuz hearn in deafenin' peals of thunder, and blazed through the sky in sheets of lightnin' and dartin' balls of flame, quietin' down some after awhile. And the Voice continued: "The spirit of God moved on the face of the deep. And God said, Let there be light; and there wuz light."

In a short time there were a instant's lull, and then with a roar that were almost deafenin' came the cyclone from the north. Thanks to the old man's sagacity and experience, howsever, we was a-headin' sou'-southeast when it hit us, and it struck us right aft.

It were fair deafenin', just as if there were a blackbird in ivery bush alang t' beck. They kept at it for happen fower or five minutes, an' then t' lass made a fresh motion wi' t' wand. What's coomin' next, I wondered, an' afore I'd done wonderin', sure enough, t' robins gat agate an' tried to shout down t' blackbirds an' all.