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"Boat on the larboard bow, sir!" reported an ensign, soon after Captain Stephens was known to be awake in his cabin. "What boat is it?" inquired the latter, eagerly, throwing open the dead-light of his room and gazing out along the shore. "It's our boat, sir, with Lieutenant Cummings." "Any passengers aboard?" "I'm afraid not, sir."

Harry Higginson, some time before the Captain's yarn concluded, got up from his seat and went to the side of our cabin schoolroom and stood there, looking through a dead-light which was open to ventilate the room. He had remembered that it was about the time of the moon's rising, and went to watch it come up.

And no living man may swim in this manner high out of water, patting and splashing with one hand. It was a ghost. It had come to punish them. "Por qué nos atormentan así, hombre, deja?" cried a white-faced officer. "Can't you hear me?" asked the apparition. "I'll come closer." He threw back the starting-lever, and the thing began moving. Then a rifle-barrel protruded from a dead-light.

She was always dropping it out, and turning up her old dead-light on the company empty, and making them oncomfortable, becuz she never could tell when it hopped out, being blind on that side, you see. So somebody would have to hunch her and say, "Your game eye has fetched loose.

It bad two berths in it, a dismal dead-light, a sink with a washbowl in it, and a long, sumptuously cushioned locker, which was to do service as a sofa partly and partly as a hiding place for our things. Notwithstanding all this furniture, there was still room to turn around in, but not to swing a cat in, at least with entire security to the cat.

How the people of Tarascon would have kicked themselves for having constrained the great Tartarin to leave home, if they had but seen him stretched in the bunk in the dull, wan gleam through the dead-light, amid the sickly odour of cooking and wet wood the heart-heaving perfume of mail-boats; if they had but heard him gurgle at every turn of the screw, wail for tea every five minutes, and swear at the steward in a childish treble!

'I 'aven't 'eard, said that faithful servant of the Union-Castle Company. 'Quite right. Never alarm the passengers. Ship the dead-light, will you? Matchem shipped it, for we were rolling very heavily. There were tramplings and gull-like cries from on deck. Shend looked at me with a mariner's eye. 'That's nothing, he said protectingly. 'Oh, it's all right for you, I said, jumping at the idea.

It fell occasionally so heavily on the skylight of the writer's cabin, though so far aft as to be within five feet of the helm, that the glass was broken to pieces before the dead-light could be got into its place, so that the water poured down in great quantities.

It fell occasionally so heavily on the skylight of the writer's cabin, though so far aft as to be within five feet of the helm, that the glass was broken to pieces before the dead-light could be got into its place, so that the water poured down in great quantities.

The wakened sleeper heard the other man moving about in the velvety black gloom. "What 're you doing there?" was his sharp question as he heard the squeak and slam of a shutter. "Closin' this dead-light, of course," explained Tankred. A moment later he switched on the electric globe at the bunkhead. "We 're gettin' in pretty close now and we 're goin' with our lights doused!"