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Not long after they started and took Asbinan, and when they arrived at the house of Dawinisan they agreed on the marriage price. Her mother said, "If you can fill our balaua nine times with gold shaped like deer, and jars which are addeban and ginlasan, Asbinan can marry our daughter." Alokotán and the others replied, "Ala, if that is what you say it is all right, and we can pay more."

Dawinisan said to the alan, who had spreading toes and who bent double when they walked, "Look out of the window and see who it is." The alan said to her, "He wants you to look at him." Dawinisan said, "I cannot go to the window to look at him, for the sunshine is hot. I do not wish the sun to shine in my face."

So Alokotán used magic and the balaua was filled nine times with the things they wished, and there were more golden deer than jars. The father and mother and relatives of the girl said, "Asbinan and our daughter Dawinisan can be married now."

Continuing his journey, he is twice lost. Finds an unknown sister hiding among lawed vines. Puts her in his belt and carries her home. Upon his arrival a celebration is held and the new found brothers and sister, who had been stolen by alan, are restored to parents. The mother and caretaker of Asbinan try to arrange for him to marry Dawinisan, but are refused.

When she saw that the boy appeared to be suffering greatly she went into the house; she changed her dress and went out on the porch, and she looked like the sunshine. When she reached the porch, she rubbed the boy's stomach, and directly Asbinan sat up. Dawinisan said to him, "Come into the house and we will tell our names and see if we are relatives."

"Dawinisan, even if you tell me to leave you, I will not do it until you promise to marry me. I will stay with you now," he said. Dawinisan replied, "Even though you should stay here one month, I do not care," Asbinan said. "Let us chew betel-nut and see if the quids turn to beads with no hole, and lie side by side; or if they lie parallel, then it is not good for us to marry; so we shall see."

When he knew that they did not wish him for a son-in-law, for they did not give any reason, he thought and he said, "My mother, hand me my golden cup, for I am going away." So his mother gave it to him. As soon as he arrived in the yard of Dawinisan, he said, "Good morning, Dawinisan, will you look out of the window at me?"

Dawinisan did not wish the alan to leave her, and she said, "Ala, bring him up on the porch and I will see him." The alan took him up on the porch, and she went to look at him. When she saw that he was a handsome boy, she said, "I am ashamed, for I did not think he was a rich and handsome boy."

He said, "If Dawinisan does not want to look at me from the window, and if I die it is her fault, for I came here because of her." The alan who saw that Asbinan was a beautiful young boy, said, "If you will not go to look at him, we are going to leave you, for we fear that he is going to die because of you."

"We will ask our daughter and hear what she says." When they asked Dawinisan if she wished to marry Asbinan, she said, "Oh, my mother, I am ashamed to marry yet, I do not know how to do anything; so I do not wish to be married now. Do not dislike me, but be patient with me." So her mother said, "Pretty Ayo, I think you heard what she said. Be patient."