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If there are such serious conditions as edema, ascites, lung congestion, cyanosis and great dyspnea, the prognosis is dire. Obesity being a cause of high blood pressure, it should be treated more or less energetically, even if the individual does not continue to add weight. Int.

The conclusion to be drawn from their experiments is that when there is asphyxia, increased venous pressure, and also a rising blood pressure from the stimulation of carbon dioxid, strychnin is contraindicated. It should be recognized that digitalis very frequently not only does not raise blood pressure, but also may lower it; especially in aortic insufficiency and when there is cyanosis.

In crying, the children hold their breath to the point of producing extreme cyanosis, ending, as the spasm relaxes, with a crowing inspiration, which resembles and yet differs in tone from both the whoop of whooping-cough and the crowing inspiration of croup. Apart, however, from this tendency to convulsive seizures the nervous system of these children is abnormal.

They caught Feldman's eyes, and he bent closer. There should be no black dots on the skin of a man who died of space-stomach. And there should have been cyanosis.... He swore and bent down to find the wrecks of his shoes. He couldn't worry about anything now but getting away from here before the attendant made trouble.

A solution of bleaching-powder gives with solution of the sulphate a purple colour changing to red-brown. Symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, giddiness, intoxication, drowsiness, gasping for breath, feeble pulse, and marked cyanosis. In its industrial use it may act as a poison either by inhalation of the fumes or by absorption through the skin.

Postmortem examination shows extensive extravasations into the internal viscera, and also organic syphilitic lesions. Winckel's disease, or epidemic hemoglobinuria, is a very fatal affection, sometimes epidemic in lying-in institutions; it develops about the fourth day after birth. The principal symptom is hematogenous icterus with cyanosis, the urine contains blood and blood-coloring matter.

When there is low blood pressure, venous stasis, pulmonary congestion, cyanosis and a laboring, failing heart, intramuscular injections of ergot, with or without coincident venesection, may be the most valuable method of combating the condition. Life has been saved in this kind of sudden acute cardiac failure in valvular disease.

Again I thought that the muscles were contorted, that the eyes were bulging slightly, that there was a bluish tinge to her skin such as in cyanosis or asphyxiation. It may have been imagination, but I was now sure that her expression revealed pain or fear or both. When I looked at her first I had been unable to forget my impression of years.

=Chlorate of Potassium= produces irritation of stomach and bowels; hæmaturia; melæna; cyanosis, weakness, delirium, and coma. Post-Mortem. Blood is chocolate-brown in colour, and so are all the internal organs; gastro-enteritis; nephritis. Tests. Spectroscope shows blood contains methæmoglobin; the drug discharges the colour of indigo in acid solution with SO . Treatment.

There is dyspnea, but the patient cannot aid respiration with the auxiliary muscles by holding the arms and shoulders tense or obtaining support from the aruls; in fact, the arms are almost strengthless. The surface of the body may be warm, and the arms may be warm except the hands; the feet, ankles and legs may be cold. There is generally more or less cyanosis, although the face may be pale.