United States or Honduras ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I only hope he won't make "copy" out of me and my situation. LETTER: From Harold Skimpole, Esq., to the Rev. Charles Honeyman, M.A. These letters tell their own tale of Genius and Virtue indigent and in chains. The eloquence of a Honeyman, the accomplishments of a Skimpole, lead only to Cursitor Street. Coavins's, Cursitor Street, May 1.

Draper went to his chambers in dudgeon then; bullied his clerks all round, sent off a messenger to the Baroness, to say that he had waited on the young gentleman, who had demanded a little time for consideration, which was for form's sake, as he had no doubt; the lawyer then saw clients, transacted business, went out to his dinner in the most leisurely manner; and then finally turned his steps towards the neighbouring Cursitor Street.

Over all the legal neighbourhood there hangs, like some great veil of rust or gigantic cobweb, the idleness and pensiveness of the long vacation. Mr. Snagsby, law-stationer of Cook's Court, Cursitor Street, is sensible of the influence not only in his mind as a sympathetic and contemplative man, but also in his business as a law-stationer aforesaid.

Davis! said Charley, surprised that the man should know aught of his personal acquaintances. 'Yes, Mrs. Davis of the 'Cat and Whistle. She'd do it in course, along of Miss Geraghty. Charley perceived with a shudder that his matrimonial arrangements were known and talked of even in the distant world of Cursitor Street.

Accordingly, as soon as the light of dawn appeared, after an almost intolerable delay for it seemed to Harry as if the sun had forgotten to visit Cursitor Street in his rounds that morning and as soon as the inmates of the house of bondage were stirring, Mr.

In Lord Eldon's time the case was otherwise. Society saw nothing singular or reprehensible in his conduct when he brought Bessie to live in the little house in Cursitor Street. No one sneered at the young law-student, whose home was a little den in a dingy thoroughfare.

Simpkins' managing clerk; but ambition, and the increasing requirements of a considerable number of young Ferrets, determined him on commencing business on his own account; and about six months previous to the period of which I am now writing, a brass door-plate in Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, informed the public that Samuel Ferret, Esq., Attorney-at-Law, might be consulted within. Mr.

I glanced anxiously at Dorothy, and saw that she was neither satisfied nor appeased. Well I remembered every turn of her head, and every curve of her lip! In the meantime we were off through Cursitor Street at a gallop, nearly causing the death of a ragged urchin at the corner of Chancery Lane.

"No!" said Miss Pett. "I do not so there!" "Did you witness it?" "No, I didn't." "Do you know where it is?" "Yes, I know that." "Where is it?" "My nephew has it," replied Miss Pett. "He's a solicitor, and he made it." "What is your nephew's name and address?" asked Brereton. "Mr. Christopher Pett, 23B Cursitor Street," answered Miss Pett, readily enough. "Have you let him know of Mr.

My wife fainted the children screamed, and I fancy my condition as I was obliged to march off to a spunging-house along with a horrid sheriff's officer? I shall not describe my feelings when I found myself in a cage in Cursitor Street, instead of that fine house in Berkeley Square, which was to have been mine as the husband of Mrs. Manasseh.