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It has recognised the rights of the dumb majority; it has revolted against cruelty and preventable suffering and has bent itself on diffusing well-being the well-being that people want, and not the so-called virtues which a supercilious aristocracy may find it convenient to prescribe for them.

As if it had ever fallen away after that one superb act of reconciliation. He had done poor Flossie some injustice. She suffered in his eyes because she came short, not of the dream, but of the reality. To be placed beside Lucia Harden would have been a severe test for any woman; but for Flossie it was cruelty itself.

But it seems to be a law of wicked natures, that where cruelty has once commenced its career and meets with no resistance on the part of its victim, the vile passion, instead of being satisfied, only grows stronger and fiercer, just like it is with savage beasts after they have tasted blood.

The ferocity of religious wars, the cruelty of religious controversies, the bigotry of the confessional, these all, which, only a generation earlier, had been taken by long-suffering humanity as if they had been matters of course, were now viewed with contrition by the more exalted spirits and with contempt and embitterment by the rest.

Without the motive he had had for his conduct, it must seem dictated by some morbid impulse of cruelty whereas, of course, he had acted quite dispassionately, under the pressure of a necessity which, however, it was impossible to explain to Mabel. 'I suppose "amends" mean caramels or chocolates, said Mabel; 'chocolates to compensate for making a child shrink for days from those who loved her!

Society in Rome, enervated as it was by vicious pleasures, craved continually for new excitements. Sensuality is a near relation of cruelty; and the more savage the entertainments, the more delightful they were to the curled and scented patricians who had lost the taste for finer enjoyments.

Facts clearly prove, that the negroes, instead of being indifferent to local attachments, are peculiarly alive to them. That nothing short of cruelty can drive them from their homes that they will endure even that, as long as it can be borne, rather than leave; and that as soon as the instrument of cruelty is removed, they will hasten back to their "bornin' ground."

They lived upon a town or province for six months, fifteen months, two years, until the town or province was exhausted. They alone were armed, master of the inhabitants, using and abusing things and persons according to their caprices. Moreover, beyond an immediate and personal enjoyment, they demanded nothing; they employed brutal force only to satiate their greed, their cruelty, their lust.

The ghost must be here hiding in some dark corner of cabin or field the ghost of deathless longing for freedom the ghost of cruelty the ghost of the bloodhound, the lash and the auction block. Somehow he couldn't realize that such things could be, now that he was a guest in a Southern home and saw the bright side of their life.

Her gentleness has changed my cruelty to kindness, and I would gladly repay all for the harm I have done; but none will love and trust me now." Then the little rose looked up, and while the dew-drops shone like happy tears upon her leaves, she said, "I WILL love and trust you, Thistle, for you are indeed much changed.