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"I don't know of any reason myself why I should not tell you his name. Sir Coupland only said he wanted it kept quiet till he could see his father, whom he knows, of course. I understand that the family belongs to this county lives about twenty miles off." The lady felt so confident that she would be told the name that she seized the opportunity to show how discreet she was, and kept silence.

She had more than one inquiry addressed to her about "this unfortunate accident," but she reserved her information, with mystery, acquiring thereby a more defined importance. A river behind a barrage is much more impressive than a pump. Sir Coupland Merridew's place at table was still empty when the first storm of comparison of notes set in over the events and deeds of the morning.

"Well," said he, "Sir Coupland thought so too. The fact is, we had quite given you up. When he came out and said to me: 'Come back. I want you to see something, I said to him: 'Is that why the dog barked? Because your dog had given a sudden queer sort of a bark. And he said to me: 'It isn't only the dog. It's Lady Gwen Rivers." "What did he mean by that?" said Gwen.

It gives her confidence that he does not soothe or cajole, but speaks as he would to a man. She goes, and as she walks across to the Keeper's Lodge makes a little peace for her heart out of small material. Sir Coupland said "him" this time look you! not "it" as before.

Sir Coupland went off in a hurry, leaving Irene's letter in Gwen's possession, which was dishonourable; because he had really read the injunction it contained, on no account to show it to Gwen in case she should build false hopes on it. But then Gwen had not read this passage aloud to him, so he did not know it officially. Lunch was the next conclave of the small household, and although Mr.

She is wonderfully courageous so Sir Coupland thinks in the presence of Death. But she is ashy white. He utters the barest syllable of doubt; then half-turns for courtesy to his junior, who echoes it. Then each shakes his head, looking at the other. "Is there no sound nothing to show?"

Lady Gwen alone was silent, leaving the narration entirely to her medical friend, to whom she had told the incident of last evening her interview with the man now lying between life and death, and the way his body was found by following the dog. She left the room as early as courtesy allowed, and Sir Coupland did not remain long. He had to go and tell the matter to the Earl, he said.

Adrian took the view that Sir Coupland was really a weak, good-natured chap who had wanted Gwen to have every excuse for hope that could be constructed, even with unsound materials; but who also wanted the responsibilities of the jerry-builder to rest on other shoulders than his own.

However, all's fish that comes to one's net. Well when Sir Coupland had told me his story, he said casually: 'What's all this Mrs. Bailey was telling me about your finding the room so dark? I humbugged a little over it, and said my eyesight was very dim. Whatever he thought, he said very little to me about it. Indeed, he only said that he was not surprised.

It must have had some though, or Sir Coupland would never have thrown it to Gwen, struggling against despair about her lover's eyesight. Of course he did not profess to do so of set purpose; that would have pledged him to an expression of confidence in that straw which he could hardly have felt.