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But there was an answer to that, too, if one was alert. He walked through the doorway into the director's office. The regional director looked up. "Oh, Morely. You wanted to see me?" "Yes, sir." Morely stood at rigid attention. "I just thought of all those useless highways around the countryside.

He seems to have been a most mysterious person, by all accounts, and he rode a white horse surely a very foolish colour for a highwayman to choose and he kept the countryside in a state of terror. He was caught at last it would take too long to tell you the story of his final escapade and capture and hung upon that pine-tree.

No man on the whole tax-ridden countryside believed or considered it as a distant possibility that the Rangars would strike for any hand except their own; they were known, on the other hand, to be more or less cohesive, and it was considered certain that, whichever way they swung, when the priest-pulled string let loose the flood of revolution, they would swing all together.

His grandfather also had friends: the organist, the furniture-dealer, the watch-maker, the contra-bass garrulous old men, who used always to pass round the same jokes and plunge into interminable discussions on art, politics, or the family trees of the countryside, much less interested in the subjects of which they talked than happy to talk and to find an audience.

It was said also that the Tower was full of precious and marvellous things, including hordes of gold and silver; that Melrose, who was detested in the countryside, lived in the constant dread of burglary or murder; and finally as a clue to the whole situation which the popular mind insisted on supplying that he had committed some fearful crime, during his years in foreign parts, for which he could not be brought to justice; but remorse and dread of discovery had affected his brain, and turned him into a skulking outcast.

So I jogged along feeling rather blue, marveling that those things which often seem so simple should be in reality so difficult. But on such an afternoon as this no man could possibly remain long depressed. The moment I passed the straggling outskirts of the town and came to the open road, the light and glow of the countryside came in upon me with a newness and sweetness impossible to describe.

As the biggest clan-chief left on all that countryside, he had a right to speak before the others, and he knew that what he said would carry weight when they had all ridden home again, and the report had gone abroad in ever-widening rings. "If the English can hold India, let them! I will not fight against them, for they are honest men for all their madness.

The long tables stood under the maple trees, spread with the richest, rarest, deadliest dainties known to the housewives and maidens of the countryside. About the tables stood in groups the white-aproned girls, tucked and frilled, curled and ribboned into all degrees of bewitching loveliness.

Fru Heyerdahl came and lectured her, lent her books and a fool for her pains. Barbro had lived in Bergen and read the papers and been to the theatre! She was no innocent lamb from the countryside ... But Fru Heyerdahl must have grown suspicious at last. One day she comes up at three in the morning to the maids' room and calls: "Barbro!" "Yes," answers Cook. "It's Barbro I want. Isn't she there?

Right merry were these Fair days at Nottingham, when the green before the great town gate was dotted with booths standing in rows, with tents of many-colored canvas, hung about with streamers and garlands of flowers, and the folk came from all the countryside, both gentle and common.