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"It is a miracle to see you here, my dear Maxence!" exclaimed M. Costeclar, loud enough to attract the attention of several persons. To occupy the attention of others, anyhow and at any cost, was M. Costeclar's leading object in life.

But I know what cruel trials your refusal to marry M. Costeclar imposed upon you: I know what a merciless struggle you had to sustain. Another pretender may come, and then No, no, you see that we cannot wait." "What would you do?" "I know not. I have not yet decided upon my future course.

"See what I have just received from Costeclar," he said in a hoarse voice. "Read." She read, "Allow me, dear friend, to release you from your engagement. Owing to circumstances absolutely beyond my control, I find myself compelled to give up the honor of becoming a member of your family." What could have happened?

"I am very much obliged to you, sir," he answered coldly; "but I am content with my lot, and I believe myself old enough to walk alone." Almost any one would have lost countenance. But M. Costeclar was so little put out, that it seemed as though he had expected just such a reception.

"Don't bother yourself, my dear friend," he said. "I have also a servant who is no fool; and he has had orders for over fifteen minutes." The others burst out laughing. "Distanced, Costeclar!" exclaimed M. Saint Pavin, who, notwithstanding his slovenly dress and cynic manners, seemed perfectly well received.

The efforts of his valet, and the letters which he had written, having proved useless, M. Costeclar had made up his mind to act in person; and gallantly he had come to put himself on guard in front of the Hotel des Folies. Great was his surprise, when he saw Mlle. Lucienne coming out arm in arm with Maxence; and greater still was his spite.

"At last, here you are, sir!" exclaimed his faithful servant. It was doubtless anxiety that had kept up the old man all night; but so absorbed was Marius's mind, that he scarcely noticed the fact. "Did any one call in my absence?" he asked. "Yes, sir. A gentleman called during the evening, M. Costeclar, who appeared very much vexed not to find you in.

But every thing is against us. In presence of the examining magistrate, Jottras held out well; but Saint Pavin spoke. That dirty rascal was not satisfied with the share allotted to him. On the information furnished by him, Costeclar was arrested this morning. And Costeclar knows all, since he has been your confidant, Vincent Favoral's, and my own.

She had just commenced a letter, which she intended to have taken to the Count de Villegre, when a violent ring of the bell made her start; and almost immediately the servant came in, saying, "It is a gentleman who wishes to see you, a friend of monsieur's, M. Costeclar, you know." Mlle. Gilberte started to her feet, trembling with excitement. "That's too much impudence!" she exclaimed.

That I might recover possession of the papers you have." M. de Tregars was thinking. "After what has just taken place," he said at last, "an explanation is necessary between us. I will be at your house in an hour. Wait for me." M. Costeclar had become more pliable than his own lavender kid gloves: in fact, alarmingly pliable. "I am at your command, sir," he replied to M. de Tregars.