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Many seemingly slight breaches of etiquette, if practiced by everyone, would create a state of affairs which even the most ardent hater of les convenances would deplore. If, for instance, all men were so entirely a law unto themselves that they despised the rule which commands a man to resign his chair to a lady, what would become of us poor women?

"But," Helen said slowly, "you who pretend to have so little regard for society " "Ah, there it is," he interrupted. "Man is gregarious by instinct; he must do as his fellows do. He must submit to the most absurd convenances of his fellowmen, as one sheep jumps where another did though the bar be taken away.

The face is that of one who has made an effort, and a successful and triumphant effort, to wrest some vigorous and valued faculty from insupportable constraint; and when Lucia's faculty got free, I am certain it spread wide pinions and carried her higher than " she hesitated. "Than what?" demanded Hunsden. "Than 'les convenances' permitted you to follow." "I think you grow spiteful impertinent."

"Nu, Becky!" breathed Belcovitch, in a whisper that could have been heard across the way. "How are you? All right?" said Becky, very loud, as if she thought deafness was among Shosshi's disadvantages. Shosshi grinned reassuringly. There was another silence. Shosshi wondered whether the convenances would permit him to take his leave now. He did not feel comfortable at all.

You found yourself, from the first, as free, as little out of place in the most brilliant and most critical society as if you had passed your life there; you have felt its usages before knowing them, which implies a justness and fineness of tact very unusual, an exquisite knowledge of les convenances."

No one had broken the fragile glass, no one had betrayed a plebeian ignorance of the convenances, nor showed ill-bred surprise. They had examined the menu with an understanding air, as though every other name was not as Greek to their ears, and had refrained from any signs of approval more noticeable than pressures of feet under the table, and occasional sly joltings of elbows.

I do not wish to argue that such a thing as happiness itself has become as obsolete in our day as hoop-skirts and side-combs, for, from the earliest reflections I have ever indulged in, I have concluded that it is quite easy to attain to a tolerable degree of happiness, if external influences be not too desperately at variance with our efforts to arrive at its tempting goal: and even now, when I have made my way through some of the densest and darkest fogs of experience, I know I should be happy yet, if, some day, I may see the masses in revolt against the unjust tenets of nineteenth century convenances, and advocating in its stead the beautiful doctrine of "soul to soul as hand to hand."

J'ai eu depuis des nouvelles de votre sejour a Broglie et au Val Richcr par Messieurs Gavard et de Witt, et j'ai bien regrette que les convenances du deuil ne m'aient pas permis de vous demander cette annee de venir an Chateau d'Eu.

The hat, veil, and coat had completely transformed her. From a demure little nun she had in a few moments blossomed forth into a piquante little girl, who seemed quite ready to set the convenances at naught as long as she enjoyed herself.

Talbot," says Dynecourt softly, "has it never occurred to you how safe a thing it would be for my cousin Sir Adrian to marry a sensible woman a woman who understands the world and its ways a woman young and beautiful certainly, but yet conversant with the convénances of society?