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"Yes, matters are bad," said the Lord Chancellor Wriothesley; "in vain have we promised pardon and forgiveness to all those who would return penitent and contrite; they laugh to scorn our offers of pardon, and prefer a death of torture to the royal clemency. What avails it that we have burnt to death Miles Coverdale, who had the hardihood to translate the Bible?

"I'm glad to have that again, Tony," the other said, offering his hand to the contrite one; "because I mean to use my account of this hike later on in trying for a prize. It's lucky you didn't throw it away as you did the frying-pan and coffee-pot, which I see you failed to carry along with you."

The thought of that poor old woman crushed my spirit as I sat in durance waiting for my end, and when the priest came, whom they had sent to shrive me, he found me weeping, which he took to argue a contrite heart. He bore the tale of it to Giovanni, and the Lord of Pesaro came to visit me in consequence, and found me sorely changed from my furious mood of some hours earlier.

And the friends of Madame de Saint-Dizier hawked about and everywhere repeated these terrible words with a contrite air, as if beatified and convinced! But this was not all. Along with chastisements there were rewards. Observant people remarked that the favorites of the religious clan of Madame de Saint-Dizier rose to high distinction with singular rapidity.

The passage in which she exhibits to her contrite husband the letter received long before from Miss Matthews is one of the noblest in literature; and if it had been recorded that Fielding like Thackeray on a memorable occasion had here slapped his fist upon the table, and said "That is a stroke of genius!" it would scarcely have been a thing to be marvelled at.

But where is the chapter which does not contain something which a broken and contrite spirit may not apply to itself? And so it fell out that, as he read, Ruth's heart was smitten, and she sank down, and down, till she was kneeling on the floor of the pew, and speaking to God in the spirit, if not in the words, of the Prodigal Son: "Father!

When they arrive, they find the Brahmans chastened and contrite cursing their folly in having failed to recognize Krishna as God and envious of their wives for having seen him and given him food. Having humbled the Brahmans, Krishna now turns to the gods, choosing Indra, their chief, for attack. The moment is his annual worship when the cowherds offer sweets, rice, saffron, sandal and incense.

The instrument with which the heart is broken, and with which the spirit is made contrite, is the Word. This rock, this adamant, this stony heart, is broken and made contrite by the Word. But it only is so, when the Word is as a fire, and as a hammer to break and melt it. And then, and then only, it is as a fire, and a hammer to the heart to break it, when it is managed by the arm of God.

A torrent of blame had better suited the contrite mood in which she met him; but she took the blame on her own shoulders, and in her relief said things sycophantic and untrue. He told her almost roughly to stop. "For God's sake don't blackguard yourself any more," he said. "Give me a chance. It's for me to apologise to you, surely.

The author of the ensuing discourse now with God, reaping the fruit of all his labour, diligence, and success, in his Master's service did experience in himself, through the grace of God, the nature, excellency, and comfort of a truly broken and contrite spirit.