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Your sympathy does you honour, but the world has an opinion of this woman very different from yours: in the world's opinion she is frivolous enough." "The world is unjust." "Not altogether, perhaps. This woman has a past, and there is much in that past which justifies the world's judgment." "But in her present there is much which contradicts that judgment.

According to Prinsep and Dr. Stevenson, this date coincides with 189 A.D., and so it clearly settles the question of when the tope was built. But the question of the antiquity of the temple itself still remains open, though the inscription states that it was an old temple in 189 A.D., and contradicts the above-quoted opinion of Fergusson.

An attentive examination of the Lepcha in one respect entirely contradicts our preconceived notions of a mountaineer, as he is timid, peaceful, and no brawler; qualities which are all the more remarkable from contrasting so strongly with those of his neighbours to the east and west: of whom the Ghorkas are brave and warlike to a proverb, and the Bhotanese quarrelsome, cowardly, and cruel.

Later on in his preface the author contradicts himself in this regard, for he shows us how far from philanthropic were the publisher's motives and how little he thought of posterity in inserting these biographies, by writing the following well-turned and suggestive sentences: "It may be asked, Why have the biographical sketches of comparatively obscure men been inserted?

But it contradicts all material laws, and seems to come and go with a whimsical determination of its own. When it is with me, nothing can banish it; it pulls insistently at my elbow; it diverts my attention in the midst of the gravest business; and, on the other hand, no extremity of sorrow or gloom can suspend it.

Come, darling, let me go down and tell them both that you have thought better of it, and that you consent." "Mother, you do not wish it," said Mary gently. "All this does not come from the heart." "I think it does, my darling," said Mrs Ellis. "You see, it is my duty to do what your father wishes. Yours to love and obey him." "No, mother dear," said Mary gently. "Your voice contradicts it all.

In this case, what was right was the letter and spirit of the contracts; and nothing was plainer than the fact that these were not what was wanted. Professions pass for nothing, with the experienced, when connected with a practice that flatly contradicts them.

She, on her part, seemed delighted to see him. "I am just on my way home to dress for your dinner," she said, "and I wanted a bit of a walk first. Don't you feel the spring in the air?" "Winter contradicts your statement," laughed Hayden, as a cutting wind caused her to shiver and draw her furs more closely about her throat.

JOHNSON. 'I do not approve of figurative expressions in addressing the Supreme Being; and I never use them . Taylor gives a very good advice: "Never lie in your prayers; never confess more than you really believe; never promise more than you mean to perform ." I recollected this precept in his Golden Grove; but his example for prayer contradicts his precept. Dr. Johnson and I went in Dr.

That excellent author seems boldly to maintain the affirmative of this question: he cites grave theologians on his side, and even those of Rome, who appear to say what he pretends; and he adduces philosophers who have believed that there are even philosophical truths, the defenders of which cannot reply to objections made against them.” “For my part,” says Leibnitz, “I avow that I cannot be of the sentiment of those who maintain that a truth can be liable to invincible objections; for what is an objection but an argument of which the conclusion contradicts our thesis? and is not an invincible argument a demonstration?” “It is always necessary to yield to demonstrations, whether they are proposed for our adoption, or advanced in the form of objections.