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When the system becomes thoroughly saturated with this food-drink, catarrh often makes its appearance, but disappears at the close of the cure. Colic, constipation, diarrhoea, nose-bleed, and bleeding from the lungs are also present at times, as well as sleeplessness, toothache, and other disorders.

Blundel relates a curious case occurring in the times when mercury was given in great quantities, in which to relieve obstinate constipation a half ounce of crude mercury was administered and repeated in twelve hours. Scores of globules of mercury soon appeared over a vesicated surface, the result of a previous blister applied to the epigastric region.

Such acid fruits as lemons, oranges and grapefruit are valuable not only for their stimulating qualities in connection with constipation, but also because of their antiseptic influence. Cheese is very constipating to those inclined in this direction. All forms of cheese and food combinations containing it should be avoided.

Riverius mentions death following constipation of one month, and says that the intestines were completely filled. Moosman mentions death from the same cause in sixty days. Frank speaks of constipation from intestinal obstructions lasting for three weeks, and Manget mentions a similar case lasting three months.

Every step of this evolution shows an increasing toxic state of the fluids in the bowels. After constipation is established the efforts at securing evacuations are of such a nature as to irritate the cecum. Drugs to force movement cause painful distentions of this portion of the bowels.

When the pulse is subdued, and the number of pulsations are below the natural standard if the excrements are still void of their natural colour if the constipation continues, or the animal refuses to feed an ounce of manna dissolved in warm water should be given, and the dog often drenched with linseed tea.

It is practically the only lead salt which gives rise to acute symptoms, and only when taken in large doses. Symptoms. Metallic taste, dryness in throat, intense thirst, vomiting, colicky pains, cramps, cold sweat, constipation and scanty urine, severe headache, convulsions.

However, there is plenty of scientific authority, based on other hygienic grounds, for avoiding these at least during the years of growth. Constipation is likely to cause sexual irritation, and hence this is an additional reason for submitting children to competent doctors for treatment of this disturbance which so seriously affects general health, especially by auto-intoxication.

If a tendency to constipation exists, it can almost always be overcome by increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables eaten, also by eating cracked wheat, oatmeal, corn and graham bread; all of which increase the peristaltic action of the intestines. The small amount of water taken by girls and women is another fertile source of constipation. School Life.

The colon is very liable to be more or less distended with accumulations, and especially is this true of those of sedentary habits, for a call to evacuate the bowels is frequently postponed. This postponing of duty to nature has evolved, in all these years of civilized life, a weakened functioning so that man is more subject to constipation than any other animal.