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The birds that lived on the huge cathedral itself had the greatest attraction for me; and here the daws, if not the most numerous, were the most noticeable, as they ever are on account of their conspicuousness in their black plumage, their loquacity and everlasting restlessness.

In fact, it had attracted their attention a few days after their first arrival in the valley not by its own conspicuousness, for its broad round leaves, spread horizontally upon the surface, could scarce be seen from the shore. Only when its beautiful pink-white flowers were in bloom, could it be observed at any great distance.

I read quite recently his announcement that in 1919 men's clothes would be 'sprightly without conspicuousness; dashing without verging on extremes; youthful in temperament and inspirational. Some of us, it appears, remain self-conscious and a little afraid to snap; and there the tailor catches us with his cunningly conceived 'sprightly without conspicuousness. Unlike the vers-libre poetess who would fain 'go naked in the street and walk unclothed into people's parlors, leaving, one imagines, an idle but deeply interested gathering on the sidewalk, we are timid about extremes.

Jacob and John remained in Virginia; the former was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, and took part as lieutenant in a Virginia regiment at the siege of Yorktown. Even the great fame and conspicuousness of the President did not tempt them out of their retirement.

Instead of looking to taxation on consumption instead of reviving the taxes on salt or on sugar it is my duty to make an earnest appeal to the possessors of property, for the purpose of repairing this mighty evil. Hansard, vol, lxi. col. 439. We have quoted the very words of Sir Robert Peel, because they are every way memorable and worthy of permanent conspicuousness.

In his multifarious reading he had become acquainted with all existing traditions and speculations concerning witchcraft, and his profession as minister in the Calvinist communion predisposed him to investigate all accessible details concerning the devil. He was passionately hungry for notoriety and conspicuousness: Tydides melior patre was the ambition he proposed to himself.

Democratic manners were at a discount in these little hotbeds of amateur cockneyism; the gloomy severities of the old-fashioned religion were put aside; there was an increasing gap between the higher and the lower orders of the population. This appearance was no doubt superficial; and the beau-monde is never so numerous as its conspicuousness leads one to imagine.

But the fact remains that almost every book on the United States contains a chapter devoted explicitly to the female citizen; and the inevitableness of the record must have some solid ground of reason behind or below it. It indicates a vein of unusual significance, or at the very least of unusual conspicuousness, in the phenomenon thus treated of.

Benton's yacht?" he inquired. Karyl nodded. "The yacht." "I, too, had thought of that, but how can you arrange it, Your Majesty?" "We must persuade her that she requires a change of scene and that this is the one way she can have it without conspicuousness.

It is not alone the conspicuousness of this celestial vacancy, opening suddenly in the midst of one of the richest parts of the Galaxy, that has given it its fame, but quite as much the superstitious awe with which it was regarded by the early explorers of the South Seas.