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"For, while I have absolute confidence in my cannon, and I know that it is impossible to burst it, the concussion may be unpleasant at such close range." "Thank you," said Tom. "We are going to get in a safe place." He could not refrain from contrasting the general's manner now with what it had been at first.

Jack’s Easter took him to town for a "little time," and the "little time" ended in the station-house at three o’clock on Sunday morning. Accusation: Producing concussion of the brain on a cab driver. The news was conveyed to Aunt Mary through private advices from Mr. Then, as she re-read the lawyer’s letter, other reflections crowded to the fore in her mind. "Funny!

Across the water, slower paced, came the dread concussion of sound. "Good God! It's carried away the whole island!" I heard the mate's voice bellowing above the cries of the men. The Sylph scudded before the approaching storm of fire redescending from the sky.... The first gray of the dawn disclosed Mrs.

Thereupon a blood red glare shot up into the cold blue sky, as if a volcano had burst forth from beneath the mighty deep, followed by a roar, and a shattering crash, and a mingling of unearthly cries and groans, and a concussion of the air, and of the water, as if our whole broadside had been fired at once.

Of course, that famous "sea-devil," as the invaders called her, was mostly on the spot or thereabouts, and every now and then a crowded transport would lurch over and go down, or a silent, flameless shot would rise up out of some unknown part of the waters and a shell would burst with a firmament-shaking concussion close to one of the airships after which the airship would burst with a still more frightful shock and distribute herself in very small fragments through the shuddering atmosphere; but this only happened every other day or so, for Erskine and his lieutenant knew a good deal better than to run too many risks, at least just now.

My own wound proved to be of a somewhat serious character, the blow having been inflicted with some heavy blunt instrument, and producing concussion of the brain; I was, however, well looked after, and as soon as it was safe to move me, I was transferred to my own home, where I was nursed, petted, and made much of to my heart's content, until I was in the greatest danger of being spoiled, through the outrageous pampering of my self-love and vanity to which I was subjected.

He was unaware of his hurt, and only thought, in the moment of failing consciousness as he fell, that the motion was that of his companions flying upward instead of his own falling; and on coming to himself in the hospital began to speak his sorrow for what he supposed was the death of his friends. He himself never fully recovered from the effects of the concussion.

"We shall run against him again, though, sir," said the wounded man confidently, "and we shan't mistake him for any one else. Beg pardon, though, sir; you're quite sure my skull isn't broken?" "Quite," said the doctor. "Now be quiet." "Certainly, sir; but is it cracked?" "No, nor yet cracked," said the doctor, smiling. "You're suffering from concussion of the brain."

Willing hands assisted in reclaiming the wounded and gas victims from the hold of the ship. Jack and his captain, the latter still unconscious, suffering from a severe concussion of the brain, were lifted over the side and carried to the cruiser's sick bay for their wounds to be dressed.

I stood listening, with my hip pressed against the lock to hold it firm against the next concussion. None came: but presently some one rapped with his knuckles on the upper panel and a voice, authoritative but civil enough, challenged us in the name of King George to open.