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For what conceivable connection, as she reflected, could the old lobster-catcher's passenger have with any matter even remotely affecting herself! Then she started, suddenly sensible of a comfortable, though warmly protesting, human voice and presence at her elbow. "Yes, you may well look astonished, Miss Damaris.

"There might possibly have been the shade of another reason," she continued, after a moment, and there was a hint of bitterness in her voice now. "Yes?" "Yes, it is conceivable, perhaps, that, in spite of the prevailing opinions of such people, even I might have felt a wee bit sorry for the poor kiddies especially for the girl. She is such a tiny, tired-looking mite."

This seems utterly incredible, for even were Jupiter dilated into an enormously large mass of vaporous matter, spinning round with the utmost conceivable speed, it is impossible that he should ever have possessed enough moment of momentum. We are therefore forced to the conclusion that the tides alone do not provide sufficient explanation for the retreat of Jupiter from the sun.

But these conditions are other parts or objects of conceivable experience which, as we have learned, fall into a system with the part we say they condition. In our groping and inferential thought one part may become a ground for expecting or supposing the other.

The Bible is thus the greatest book of religious instruction that the world knows, or ever has known. It contains inexhaustible treasures of religious thought, feeling, emotion and experience, of every conceivable type and variety, which makes it indeed "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness."

It is conceivable that, if there are developed in our large cities consultation facilities under social auspices for people who feel their marriages going wrong, and want help and advice in righting them, such bureaus as those described above would be excellent "feeders" for this new form of social service.

From Lord Brougham Cannes, May 7th. I wish to suggest to you the positive duty of taking care that justice is done upon the trumpery, and one-sided, and altogether insignificant Life of Pitt by Stanhope. Murray having published it, of course the 'Quarterly' has puffed it, and done so with an entire ignorance of the subject which is hardly conceivable.

It is at least conceivable that we could get much of the work that has to be done to keep our community going in far more toil-saving and life-saving ways than we follow at the present time. So far scientific men have done scarcely anything to estimate under what conditions a man works best, does most work, works more happily.

This is manifest in some of the illustrations in Part I., as the Enthroned Madonna, by Quentin Massys, where the mother kisses her child, and Angelico's Madonna in Glory, where she holds him to her cheek. Gathering our examples from so many methods of composition, we are in the midst of a multitude of pictures which no man can number, and which set forth every conceivable phase of motherliness.

"Well," he said at last, "this may sound very foolish to you; but granting that I have got unusual gifts that way they are your own words, Mr. Vincent if that is so, I don't see why my own concentration of thought, or hypnotic sleep or trance or whatever it was might not have been so intense as to " "I quite see," interrupted the other. "That is, of course, conceivable from your point of view.