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Take it away at once!" "But we can't," explained Trot. "We've got to take the umbrella with us to the Pink Country. We'll put it down if you like, an' cross the bank in this drizzle which may be clingin' an' soulful, but is too wet to be comfort'ble. But the umbrella's got to go with us."

'You shall have a pound a week an' nothing to do. 'The very crib for me, says I. 'You've got to sit at the gate, says he, 'and prevent a patient from gettin' out! That was all as he said. Then you comes down from Lunnon, an' I comes up from Claxton, and here we be, all snug an' comfort'ble. So, you see, missy, it ain't no use at all, and you'll never get out this way."

Peggotty, 'and I know'd his merits, so I unnerstan' her; but 'tan't entirely so, you see, with others nat'rally can't be! My aunt and I both acquiesced. 'Wheerby, said Mr. Peggotty, 'my sister might I doen't say she would, but might find Missis Gummidge give her a leetle trouble now-and-again. Peggotty, 'I means to make her a 'lowance afore I go, as'll leave her pretty comfort'ble.

Six days shalt thou labor and wear comfort'ble clothes; and on the seventh you must be lazy and dress up. Likewise you must have baked beans Saturday for supper, as we're havin' 'em, and more beans with fish balls next mornin'. That is, if you want to be orthodox." The service began at eleven o'clock. At half past ten the sexton, old Mr.

He gazed at the "Shore to Shore" picture on the wall as he answered. "No game about it," he said. "Last night you and I agreed that nothin' was to be said for a few days. You was to stay here and I'd try to make you comfort'ble, that's all. Then we'd see about that other matter, settle on a fair price, and " "Yes, I know. That's all right. But you're too willin'. There's something else. Say!"

"Ther' ain't room fer two to sleep comfort'ble in that bed o' yourn," he added significantly, as the other showed no inclination to speak. At last Victor looked up and the dark half-breed blood slowly mounted and flushed his narrow face. "You're goin' to stop here wher' the stuff is?" "I guess."

Then he got up and took another observation. At last he goes back to the chair, stretches himself out, puts his feet against the stove, pulls at the cigar, and says he: "'I was cal'latin' to go downtown on a bus'ness trip, same's I did last night. But I guess, he says 'I guess I won't. It's too comfort'ble here, says he.

"Scudder promised that Augustus shouldn't come back. The professor wanted guard kept night and day. Nate said he didn't know's he could afford so much time, and Dixland doubled his wages on the spot. So Nate agreed to stand double watches, made him comfort'ble for the night, and left him. "Olivia didn't come downstairs again. She didn't seem to want any supper, but Nate did and had it, a good one.