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I shall be surprised if it doesn't stick." Carpenter went on questioning, bent upon knowing about this outlaw organization and its members. It was clear before long that he had taken a fancy to young John Colver. He made him sit beside him, and asked to hear some of his poetry, and when he found it really vivid and beautiful, he put his arm about the young poet's shoulders.

In the village of Amalon that winter and spring, Amarintha, third wife of Sarshell Sweezy, bethought her to be baptised for Queen Anne; whereupon Ezra Colver at once underwent the same rite for this lamented queen's husband, Prince George of Denmark; thereby securing the prompt admission of the royal couple to the full joys of the Kingdom.

In the midst of this they were all apprehended, and Neeves, with how much truth must be determined at the Last Day, put this unhappy man into his information and gave evidence against him at his trial, when Benson, Gale and this Crowder were indicted for assaulting James Colver on the highway, and taking from him a watch value forty shillings, and five shillings in money.

It now entered into the minds of the two young theatre-programme publishers to extend their publishing interests by issuing an "organ" for their society, and the first issue of The Philomathean Review duly appeared with Mr. Colver as its publisher and Edward Bok as editor. Edward had now an opportunity to try his wings in an editorial capacity.

Among them she saw faces she knew Colver, Strom Rogers, and others. There must have been twenty-five or thirty men, altogether, and they were all on a little level beside the trail. It seemed to Barbara that they all appeared to have forgotten her; seemed not to know that she was in the vicinity. She saw Deveny standing on the little level.

A mob of ex-soldiers had stormed the headquarters of the "wobblies," and the latter had defended themselves, and killed two or three of their assailants. A news agency had sent out over the country a story to the effect that the "wobblies" had made an unprovoked assault upon the ex-soldiers. "That's what the papers do to us!" said John Colver.

Colver lying still insensible, and brought him home. The blow on the head had been a very dangerous one. Martin gazed awestruck at his father's shut eyes and unconscious face. "I wonder if pa's going to die?" the boy anxiously thought. "I wonder if pa's ready?" The sorrowful hours came and went. Mr.

In writing about it to Jane Smith, Angelina first touches upon the dawning feeling on this woman question. She says: "We had Stanton and Burleigh, Colver and Birney, Garrison and Goodell, etc.

The programme as issued was an item of considerable expense to the management; Edward offered to supply his new programme without cost, provided he was given the exclusive right, and the manager at once accepted the offer. Edward then sought a friend, Frederic L. Colver, who had a larger experience in publishing and advertising, with whom he formed a partnership.

No, he was all RIGHT, only he had hardly wanted his three o'clock nursing, and he was sleeping so HARD And at this point, if she was tired and she was always tired! Nancy would break into tears. "Bert hadn't we better ask Colver to come and see him?" she would stammer, eagerly. Ten minutes later she would be laughing, as she served Bert his dinner.