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The phosphorescent species of Lampyridae, the fireflies, so numerous in tropical America, are equally distasteful, and are also much mimicked by other insects. I found different species of cockroaches so much like them in shape and colour that they could not be distinguished without examination.

Whenever she hears a noise in the street, or sees people coming towards the house, she always jumps to the conclusion that they are either thieves, or drunkards, or snakes, or tigers, or malaria or cockroaches, or caterpillars, or an English sailor. Even after all these years of experience, she is not able to overcome her terror.

This was the horrible part of subbing, thought Christian, and told herself that nothing but the thought of seeing the début of Dido, the puppy that she had walked, would compensate her for facing the cockroaches. As she opened the kitchen door she was surprised to find a lighted lamp on the table.

Another besetting danger to the books of our libraries arises from insects and vermin. These animated foes appear chiefly in the form of book-worms, cockroaches, and mice. The first-named is rare in American libraries, though its ravages have extended far and wide among the old European ones.

It is not just pleasant to associate cockroaches and ants with our kitchens and pantries, but where heat and moisture and food are, there insects will be also, for they seem to enjoy a taste of high life and to thrive on it.

I jumped up, and called Frank to bring a light and see what was the matter. "Oh," said a voice from the cuddy, "better not: it is only cockroaches, and if you saw them you would not go to sleep again." This swarm of cockroaches came out several times before daylight. The next night I put up a mosquito-net to protect my face and hands from these disgusting creatures.

To descend them at high noon demanded circumspection at night, when the armies of the cockroaches were abroad; and marauding rats came flopping up and down them, upon their unlawful occasions, only that man of iron, Robert Evans, was proof to their terrors.

He cannot even twist his tail to strike, so that the only dangerous point on which to assail him in his rear. Cockroaches, of course, abound. They are frequently destroyed by a peculiar sort of large fly, the female of which lays her eggs in them while they are alive, the larvae afterwards eating them up.

He summoned sufficient courage to block her way and inquire: "What you got there, now, ma'am?" Mrs. Strange glared at him balefully. With an effort at patience she inquired: "Say! What ails you, anyhow?" Jones swallowed hard. "Understand, he's a friend of mine. No damned magic goes." "Magic?" "No cockroaches or snakes' tongues, or " Mrs.

In its adult condition the flea combines the characters of the Diptera, with certain features of the grasshoppers and cockroaches, and the bugs. Dr. G. A. Perkins, of Salem, has succeeded in rearing in considerable numbers from the eggs, the larvæ of this flea. The body is long, cylindrical, and pure white, with thirteen segments exclusive of the head, and provided with rather long hairs.