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At the meeting of parliament, the Barons were so determined against the favorite, that finally Edward was obliged to yield, and to swear to keep him out of the kingdom; though, to soften the sentence, he gave him the manors of High Peak and Cockermouth, and made him governor of Ireland, bestowing on him, as a parting token, all the young Queen's gifts to himself rings, chains, and brooches; another great vexation to Isabel.

Poet, s. of John W., attorney and agent to the 1st Lord Lonsdale, was b. at Cockermouth. His boyhood was full of adventure among the hills, and he says of himself that he showed "a stiff, moody, and violent temper." He lost his mother when he was 8, and his f. in 1783 when he was 13. With the help, however, of uncles, the family were well ed. and started in life.

The time of my infancy and early boyhood was passed, partly at Cockermouth, and partly with my mother's parents at Penrith, where my mother, in the year 1778, died of a decline, brought on by a cold, in consequence of being put, at a friend's house in London, in what used to be called 'a best bedroom. My father never recovered his usual cheerfulness of mind after this loss, and died when I was in my fourteenth year, a schoolboy, just returned from Hawkshead, whither I had been sent with my elder brother Richard, in my ninth year."

By this or other conveyances Cockermouth may easily be visited, as well as Whitehaven, Maryport, etc. COCKERMOUTH is a neat market-town, and sends two members to Parliament. The ancient castle was a fortress of great strength, but since the Civil Wars it has lain in ruins. Traces of a Roman castrum, with other antique remains, are to be seen in the neighbourhood.

I must follow the divine's example, and take up the thread of my discourse where it first distinctly issues from the limbo of forgetfulness. I was lighting my pipe as I stepped out of the inn at Cockermouth, and did not raise my head until I was fairly in the street.

Wordsworth was a native of Cockermouth, and Tickell, the poet, and Addison's friend, was born at Bridekirk, two miles distant. Inns: The Globe and Sun. WHITEHAVEN, a market-town and seaport, in Cumberland, near the cliffs called Scilly Bank, in the parish of St. Bees, contains about 16,000 inhabitants. The Lowther family have large estates around the town, with many valuable coal-mines.

"To Cockermouth?" said I, with a sudden memory of my first wonder on beholding the man disembark so point-de-vice after so long a voyage. "Why, yes," says the tenant, "it was there he was picked up by Captain Crail. You thought he had come from France by sea? And so we all did." I turned this news a little in my head, and then carried it to Mr. Henry.

'Heh! are you the minister? say they. "'Heh! I am the priest, if that is what you mean, he answers back. "'Well, come, old man, say they, 'we must help you down to Cockermouth. "Well, a few words passed; and the end was that he called out to Tim, who lived just against the church; and told them what was forward.

I have heard him singing "Old King Cole" and half a dozen more songs, all mixed up in a heap, after a hunt-supper. "Men always do it there. And I can assure you Mr Bagnall is thought a first-class preacher. People go to hear him even from Cockermouth." "That is worse than ever," said Flora, "A man who preaches the truth and serves the Devil that must be awful!"

When one has outlined these four periods he has told almost all that can be told of a life which is marked, not by events, but largely by spiritual experiences. Wordsworth was born in 1770 at Cockermouth, Cumberland, where the Derwent,