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"And the a propos of all this?" asked Garstin "You are beginning to see the morphia maniac, the drunkard, the cocaine fiend, the prostitute, the " "Blackmailer?" "Yes, the blackmailer, if you like, in everyone you meet. You live in a sort of bad dream, Dick. You paint in a bad dream. If you go on like this you will lose all sense of the true values."

Everything known to human skill was done to cure her of the habit, but without much effect. She began to inject the drug into her flesh with a hypodermic needle and also to mix it with cocaine. Thus she soon became a mortification to her husband, relatives, and friends, and erelong they felt that she had forfeited all claims to their consideration.

And what possible danger could there be? Miss Milligan in all probability had never heard the fatal names of opium and cocaine save as unpleasant things associated with Chinese and tooth-drawing. It was absurd to imagine Mary coming to harm there. From this you will see that, upon the occasion of the last discovery, Mary had lied desperately and well.

But she realized that whatever the cause to which it might be due, it gave her the opportunity for which she had been waiting. She wrote a prescription containing one grain of cocaine, but declined firmly to issue others unless Rita authorized her, in writing, to undertake a cure of the drug habit.

"Interstate?" said Winthrop encouragingly. "You must have been good." The enthusiasm had departed from the face of the boy. "Yes," he said, "but " he smiled shamefacedly, "but I got taking coke, and they " He finished with a dramatic gesture of the hand as of a man tossing away a cigarette. "Cocaine?" said the District Attorney.

Cocaine, for instance, has gone up from five and sixpence an ounce to eighty-seven shillings, and heroin from three and sixpence to over forty shillings, while opium that was once about twenty shillings a pound is now eight times the price." Monte Irvin listened attentively.

The habit grew to a craving for cocaine while the cocaine itself poisoned the brain. Acoustical hallucinations began; he heard voices from every corner of the room, and on the street the voices took persecutory character.

He was outraged and incredulous, but a dope-shattered derelict swore out a complaint against him, and when Armistead's room was searched, strange to relate, the police discovered a considerable amount of cocaine concealed therein. Bail was fixed at an unusually high figure even for a felony, and Max Melcher wondered vaguely as he arranged to meet it. Misfortunes multiplied rapidly.

And before I could prevent him, the hardened old "coke"-fiend had pulled out his famous needle and inoculated himself again in the arm with the poisonous cocaine, and right in front of all the five people in the library, too, the Earl, Thorneycroft, Launcelot, Tooter, and Hicks, who stared at him as if he were a dime-museum freak; which indeed he was, to a certain extent.

"I rarely had an opportunity; but when I did they proved to contain perfume when they contained anything." "H'm," mused Kerry, and although in deference to Margaret, he had denied himself chewing-gum, his jaws worked automatically. "I gather that Mrs. Monte Irvin had expressed a wish to see you last night?" "Yes. Apparently she was threatened with a shortage of cocaine." "Cocaine was her drug?"