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The eldest, Clothilde, was dark; she was beautiful, but haughty, and looked as if she had inherited her father's temper. The youngest was very fair; she had the golden hair of a fairy, her eyes were blue, but meaningless; there was little sense in their depths. Her name was Elfrida. The second sister, Lenore, was of a different type, and might have been mistaken for a mortal maiden.

A few moments later the quadrille d'honneur was danced by the eight most princely of the guests. The Emperor danced with the Princess of Wales, who has the prettiest and sweetest face one can imagine. The Empress danced with the King of Saxony; the Prince of Wales with the Princess Mathilde, cousin of the Emperor; the Grand Duke of Russia with the Princess Clothilde.

To the credit of Mill be it said that he still believed in the value of the Positive Philosophy, and did all he could to further Comte's reputation and help the sale of his books. In Eighteen Hundred Forty-five, when Comte was forty-seven years old, he met Madame Clothilde de Vaux.

She had flung herself almost under the horses' feet as the Emperor was driving along, in order to attract his attention and obtain the pardon of her brother, who had conspired against his sovereign. Mlle. Stella Colas had a sister at Madame Fressard's, and this sister, Clothilde, is now the wife of M. Pierre Merlou, Under Secretary of State in the Treasury Department.

There was also, I remembered, a certain But this had nothing to do with Dale. Neither had the tragedy of my lost Clothilde. The memories, however, brought a wistful touch of sympathy into my voice. "You soberly think, my dear old Dale," said I, "that I know nothing of love and passion and the rest of the divine madness?" "I'm sure you don't," he cried, with an impatient gesture.

Hermann generally managed to sit by Lenore, and to hold her hand, and he knew his love was returned. Naturally the exquisite Elfrida, and the stately Clothilde had their admirers as well. "Soon they will have taken all our sweethearts away from us, the nasty creatures," whispered some of the village girls under their breath, "and they cannot marry all the lads in the country round.

How, then, could one expect poor Clothilde to yield up her undersized, thin-moustached, and very unheroic-looking Henri, having seen him four times? There was one way out of her troubles, that to which Alphonse Daudet's and André Theuriet's people gravitate as needles to their pole. She walked one dark midnight upon the jetty alone.

He fell ill a state of nervous prostration and was unable for some time to compose at all. It was indeed a time of shadows for the young musician, but the skies brightened after a while. He had the great good fortune to secure the post of organist and choir master in the fine new basilica of Sainte Clothilde, which had lately been erected, and which had an organ that was indeed a masterpiece.

Any one with a protruding ankle and thin legs cannot escape criticism. Le petit lundi of the Empress was not so petit as I expected; there were at least four or five hundred people present. Her palace is directly opposite our hotel. I was also presented to the Princess Clothilde, and many others. I was very nervous before singing, but after my first song I did very well.

Clothilde, the church where he played so many melancholy years, that breathes through his work. Alone with his instrument and the clouded skies, he pours out his sadness, his bitterness, strives for resignation. Or, his music is a bridge from the turmoiled present to some rarer, larger, better plane. In symphony and quartet, in sonata and oratorio, he attains it.