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At first glance it seemed that the boards were not in any way disturbed from their normal appearance, and Teeny-bits was about to speak when his eyes fell on a groove at the point where the ends of two boards came together. He had not for an instant supposed that he and Doctor Wells would discover anything in the closet, but now suddenly a great fear came over him.

He pressed the catch concealed in the fireplace, and, springing to his feet, seized Nancy and dragged her back into the secret closet. They nearly fell over the pumpkin, which lay directly in their path, and it rolled before them into the closet. Once inside, they instantly closed the door, and, with wildly beating hearts, sank down in the darkness.

Clo sprang up in high indignation. Dolf mounted a couple of steps and appeared to be diligently searching for something in a closet. Victoria opened the kitchen door, looked out and tossed her head angrily when she saw the pair. "I s'pose I might a split my throat callin', and yer wouldn't a answered," she cried. "I'se 'bout my business," said Clo, grimly, "jis' mind yours." "I s'pose Mr.

He has formed in his own closet from books, certain systems of everything, argues tenaciously upon those principles, and is both surprised and angry at whatever deviates from them. His theories are good, but, unfortunately, are all impracticable. Why? because he has only read and not conversed. He is acquainted with books, and an absolute stranger to men.

Sister, if you pass the millinery-store and see a display of worldly hats and something seems to say, “Just to be honest, I should like to have one of those,” your soul is hungry. Go home and feed it. Go to your closet, fall upon your knees, and get a good feast of thebread from heavenandwater of life,” and then go back and look in that window again and see if there is any hunger.

And that she had on the very hat she has on in the portrait, and the same blue dress and lace collar. You know there's a secret stairway in this house. It leads from one of the closets in your room down to a closet in my father's library and out-of- doors, and Lady Caroline's ghost always comes in that way." Sylvia looked up at the beautiful pictured face with a little shiver.

He strained his feeble voice to thank Auverquerque for the affectionate and loyal services of thirty years. To Albemarle he gave the keys of his closet, and of his private drawers. "You know," he said, "what to do with them." By this time he could scarcely respire. "Can this," he said to the physicians, "last long?" He was told that the end was approaching.

The funnel should then be covered with a moistened filter paper by stretching it over the top and edges, to which it will adhere on drying. It should be properly labeled with the student's name and desk number, and then placed in a drying closet, at a temperature of about 100-110°C., until completely dry.

I'll put a notice in the door now," and Darcy wrote out one which a clerk affixed to the front door for him. "Well, that's all I can do now," Dr. Warren said, after his very perfunctory examination. "The rest will have to be at the morgue. Got a place where I can wash my hands?" he asked. Darcy indicated a little closet near his work bench. Dr.

To accommodate with chairs and sofas as many as the furniture of her noble suite of rooms would allow, especially with the two chairs and padded bench against the wall in the back closet the small inner drawing-room, as she would call it to the clergymen's wives from Barsetshire and to let the others stand about upright, or "group themselves," as she described it.